State action plans for reduction / removal of rural shelter ness APSHCL, Hyderabad
Implementation of Housing In Andhra Pradesh Government of AP has been according priority for providing Shelter to the poor. APSHCL is established in 1979 for taking up Rural Permanent Houses & Urban Permanent Houses besides Centrally Sponsored Schemes. State Sponsored schemes INDIRAMMA Rural Housing INDIRAMMA Urban Housing Centrally Sponsored schemes Indira Awaas Yojana Housing for Weavers, Fishermen, Beedi Workers etc. IHSDP & JnNURM Schemes in Urban areas
INDIRAMMA – Flagship Programme of GoAP Estimated 65 lakh BPL families without pucca houses in 2006 Launched in 2006 as a 3 year Programme 1/3 rd population in each Mandal has been covered each year (2006 to 2009). Saturation Approach – No poor household left without a pucca house In 60,000 habitations and urban wards
Housing – A felt need Persistent demands for sanction of a permanent house. Huge gap between demand & supply. 65 lakh houseless households in lakhs in rural areas 13 lakhs in urban areas Before After
Selection of beneficiaries Every house in every habitation is visited by multi-disciplinary teams and verified on the spot BPL status House site status Status of the house Hut dwellers and residents of semi pucca houses are selected during the comprehensive door to door survey Photographs of eligible beneficiaries taken in front of the existing residence. Documentation completed on the spot along with photograph Objections received, enquired and decided within 15 days List of eligible beneficiaries is authenticated in Grama Sabha and then sanction.
Implementation Strategy Construction by beneficiaries themselves. APSHCL Engineers provide technical support. No middlemen or contractors allowed except for the multistoried houses. Enrollment of beneficiaries as members of SHGs for arranging bridge loan through IKP. Cement supplied Departmentally. Remaining materials are procured by beneficiaries.
Type Design Evolved & adopted two roomed pucca house with multipurpose room, Kitchen and Bath cum WC The plan has provision for future expansion. Different type designs are being adopted depending upon the local conditions. Plinth area is ranging between 20 and 25 Sqm.
Rural Areas - Stage wise payments StageCementCashTotal BagsAmount Below Basement Level (BBL) Basement Level (BL) Lintel Level (LL) Roof Level (RL) Roof Caste (RC) Completion Total
Urban Areas - Stage wise payments Stage Cement Cash Total Bags Amount Below Basement Level (BBL) Basement Level (BL) Lintel Level (LL) Roof Level (RL) Roof Caste (RC) Total
Disbursement System Online payments at 5 stages of construction. At Mandal level, AE inspect the houses as per fixed tour schedule and recommend payments. At Sub-division level, the DyEE check measure (10%) the houses. Payment Release Orders (PROs), Cement Release Orders (CROs) and Material Release Orders (MPROs) are generated online. Crediting the amount directly to the individual accounts opened in Banks and Post Offices of the beneficiaries. Online payment system linked with internet banking system.
Online Monitoring An online package designed for handling all transactions of Housing monitoring and payment ( Beneficiaries’ details entered online in the website and made accessible to public view. All payments including cement payments are done through online. Monitoring of physical and financial progress through online.
Initiatives of the State Government State Government have arranged the following additional financial support over and above the unit cost: i.Rs.5,000/- loan for strengthening of foundations in low lying areas/weak soils. ii.Rs.20,000/- as loan from Housing Budget for all rural SC and ST beneficiaries and from banks (IKP net work) to other beneficiaries. iii. Rs 30,000/- for urban SC/ST beneficiaries. Govt. have waived seignorage charges on sand and quarry material for INDIRAMMA houses. Cement supplied at concessional rates. Basic Infrastructure in all new lay out colonies.
Complaint Redressal System Activated Complaint Redressal System through a Call Centre with 1100 Toll free number. The Call Centre registers the complaints pertaining to delay in payment of bills, any corrupt practices, ineligible persons in the list and eligible persons left out of the list. The upper Time limit of 7 days is prescribed for redressal of the complaints. State Monitoring Unit is established in Corporate Office - 2 Senior Officers (Retired) are heading the unit with required supporting staff reputed NGOs are deployed for checking at field level independently. The entire monitoring unit functions independently as third party without interface with Corporation staff at any level. They will report findings to the ED / MD.
Physical Progress – as on (Numbers in lakhs) RegisteredCompleted In Progress Not Started Phase I Phase II Phase III Spill-over Total
SC/ST Housing Registered Lakhs Completed Lakhs In Progress 5.49 Lakhs Not Started 5.40 Lakhs
Year wise Budget Allocation Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr
Budget allocations for housing for poor in AP
Rural Housing Colony – Khammam District
Rural Housing Colony – Medak District
Rural Housing Colony – Kadapa District
Rural Housing Colony – Anantapur District
Urban Housing Colony- Anantapur District
Rural Housing Colony – East Godavari District
Urban Housing Colony
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