By Angela Rea
The 99% is a Gianna Lorassa painting. Three of them cost $600,000. The rest of it is a range from Eco loungers to disco balls 0%
This is the Graph ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Blue Paisley Lounger1$ Purple Paisley Lounger1$ Coffee Luxe Fur Lounger1$ Disco Ball1$32.00 Laclen White table1$ Folding Table1$79.99$79.00 Penguins Painting1$ Hare Painting1$ Painting of Birds1$ Sea Turtle Painting1$ Bear on Swing Painting1$ Gianna Lorasa Painting3$200,000.00$600, Woodworking Table1$ Paint for walls2$15.00$30.00 Folding Chairs5$69.99$ Paint roller frame5$8.36$41.80 Paint roller cover5$6.51$32.55 Total $602,690.23
These (some paintings) are some of the things I bought for Furniture and Dec.
This is the supplies for the art table and wood working table, from oil pestels to wood.
ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Paint Set5$23.00$ tble Easel5$43.59$ mrkrsset5$307.00$1, Easelset5$150.00$ clrdpnclset5$128.00$ saw5$115.00$ wdcrvngset5$49.99$ Drillkit5$369.25$1, Ebnywd10$100.00$1, Artpaper2$99.99$ canvases50$49.99$2, paintbtls20$2.50$50.00 pntbrushes5$2.87$14.35 pntbrushes5$2.86$14.30 acyrilicpnts15$19.90$ Total $10, This is the prices and objects for the supplies.
These are some of the things I bought for Supplies.
This was based on fish tanks, fish food, and, of course, fish. I bought mainly beta fish honoring my old pet fish, Rufus
ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Fish tank2$1,789.99$3, Fish tank1$ Desk tank6$50.75$ Coral Dec.2$32.99$65.98 Cave2$21.79$43.58 GWC dec1$6.29 coral Dec4$42.69$ Rocks14$3.99$55.86 Bubble Blower9$27.65$ Algae cleaner9$3.99$35.91 Starfish9$21.99$ Hermit Crab9$45.99$ Koi fish1 Package$ Blue Betta6$9.99$59.94 Female Betta10$4.99$49.90 Eel1$28.99 Red Feeder fish1 package$69.99 Fish food25$7.49$ Filter9$254.99$2, Total $8, These are the items/fish I bought.
These are some of the items/fish I bought
I bought 6 of each for Ipads and Macs since my family is a family of 5 plus any visitors. I bought one tv for each room (2 rooms)
ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price LG Smart TV2$2,799.99$5, iPad 36$329.00$1, iMac Desktop6$1,799.00$10, Total Price$18, This is the prices for it
The cost of the plumber to install it all cost more than everything else put together!
This is the prices for each thing ItemQuantityUnit PriceTotal Price Toilet1$ Toilet seat cover1$ Sink1$ Cabinet1$1, Light1$1, Plumbing1$7, Mirror1$ Total$12,235.09
For my million dollar project, I decided to customize my basement. The most expensive thing I bought was the painting, which was $300, In furniture and decorations, I bought a lot of furniture, which was tables for art and woodworking, Eco loungers, couches, and many more. I wanted my basement to look new and exciting and make people think it was up to date (new technology, popular style of Furniture, etc.) For the supplies, I wanted an endless supply for both activities. I bought easels, paint, drills, wood, and other things to. I wanted to buy finished paintings to give us ideas. For the fish tanks, I wanted a mini tank for everyone in my family and two big tanks. I bought mostly beta fish, it was because of my old pet fish. For the bathroom, I got a mirror, cabinet, sink, and toilet. I didn’t want a bath or shower since it was in a place where you had parties. Nobody takes showers during a party! For the electronics, I wanted advanced technology that was new. The TV is 3-D and can record shows that you might miss. Ipads and Macs are the newest version so it is the most updated. I think I did a good job with my idea. If it really happened, I think a would be fun to have a basement with all of the new improvements.
Furniture and Dec.$602, Supplies$10,006 Fish$8, Electronics$18, $12, Total$652, Overall, I spent $652,288.56!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!