Male genital pathology Pathology pictures
62 year old male SCC of the penis, spreading through the vessels of the corpora cavernosa
Malignant penile carcinoma
59 year old male with haemochromatosis and cirrhosis Testicular atrophy
Atrophic testis Low power: tunica albuginea (long arrow); seminiferous tubules (short arrow) High power: Leydig cells (long arrow); atrophic tubules (short arrows); thickened basement membrane; lack of spermatogenesis Low power High power
A: normal testis B: testicular atrophy tubules have Sertoli cells but no spermatogenesis; thickened basement membrane; apparent increase in interstitial Leydig cells
30 year old man with dystrophia myotonica Advanced testicular atrophy
Epididymitis and orchitis
71 year old male with prostatic hyperplasia Chronic granulomatous epididymo-orchitis Blue arrows: cream nodules comprising lipid-laden macrophages Black arrows: hydrocoele
Tuberculous epididymo-orchitis Predominantly affecting the epididymis (arrows)
Tertiary syphilis Gumma (arrows) of the testis Multiple irregular areas of necrosis surrounded by a zone of dense fibrosis No recognisable testicular tissue remains
Haemorrhagic infarction of testis due to torsion of spermatic cord
Testis which has recently undergone infarction Low power: tunica albuginea (long arrow); infarcted tubule (small arrow) High power: necrotic seminiferous tubules (long arrows); oedema separating tubules (short arrows)
Haemorrhagic necrosis of the testis and epididymis due to torsion of the spermatic cord
Testicular torsion
Torsion of the testicular appendix
Bilateral cysts of epididymis
40 year old male Seminoma of the testis Homogeneous cream colour Testicular tumours are usually a mixture of seminoma and teratoma components
Seminoma of the testis Fairly well circumscribed, pale, fleshy, homogeneous mass
Embryonal carcinoma Haemorrhagic mass
Choriocarcinoma Small size; marked haemorrhage and necrosis
17 year old male Malignant teratoma of the testis Varied macroscopic appearance from one area to another
High power view of seminoma component: tumour cells (arrows) have large central nuclei and clear cytoplasm; fibrous connective tissue septae infiltrated with chronic inflammatory cells (arrowheads) Immature testicular teratoma Low power: tunica (A); residual seminiferous tubules (B); varied picture within and between fields High power: immature mesenchyme (A); immature cartilage (B); seminoma (C) seminoma can form a component of a mixed germ cell tumour
Man aged 35 with ‘cannon ball’ secondaries in the lungs and a positive pregnancy test Immature teratoma of the testis with a choriocarcinoma component Haemorrhagic necrosis of choriocarcinoma component (characteristic due to tumour cells invading blood vessels) Homogenous white areas: seminoma
Teratoma of the testis Variegated cut surface with cysts
Mature teratoma
Immature teratoma
72 year old male Hydrocoele (blue arrows) with atrophic testis (red arrows)
6 year old male Hydrocoele of the spermatic cord
Chronic haematocoele (blue arrows) with testicular atrophy (red arrows)
Man aged 58 Varicocoele (blue arrows) Appendix of epididymis (red arrows) Hydatid of Morgagni (black arrow) with twisted pedicle
72 year old male with DM complicating haemochromatosis Prostatic abscess Blue arrows: pyogenic membrane (abscess contents removed)
83 year old male Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate and muscle hypertrophy and trabeculation of the bladder
Low power High power Low power: increased stroma and proliferated glands (arrows) High power: double layer of nuclei (long arrows); regular nuclei and inconspicuous nucleoli (arrowheads) Medium power
Prostatic hyperplasia Hypertrophy of bladder muscle Cystitis Bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis Suppurative pyelonephritis
BPH Well-define nodules compress the urethra into a slit-like lumen Histology: nodules of hyperplastic glands on both sides of the urethra
Carcinoma in the posterior prostate
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate Low power: proliferation of closely-packed small glands; infiltrating into surrounding stroma High power: glands are closely applied (long arrows); enlarged, hyperchromatic nuclei; nuclei are irregularly arranged in the cells (arrowheads) Low power High power
Poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma Almost complete loss of the glandular architecture, pleomorphic nulei, prominent nucleoli
Advanced carcinoma of the prostate
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate Lower left is posterior aspect (where carcinomatous tissue is) Solid white tissue of cancer unlike spongy appearance of benign peripheral zone