Zoning Ordinance Update Planning Commission February 25, 2015
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | SCHEDULE Meeting DateTopics Covered December 03, 2013 Overview Division I – Introductory Provisions Division V – General Terms December 10, 2014 Divisions I and V cont’d Division IV – Administration & Permits December 17, 2014 Division IV – Administration & Permits cont’d January 7, 2015 Division II – Base & Overlay Districts January 14, 2015 Division II – Base & Overlay Districts January 21, 2015 Division II – Base & Overlay Districts January 28, 2015 Division III-General Regulations
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | SCHEDULE Meeting DateTopics Covered February 4, 2015 Division III (General Regulations) February 18, 2015 Division III (Parking, Loading, and Circulation) and Division VI (Transportation Demand Management only) LUCE Amendment Resolution of Intention for Districting Map and LUCE Land Use Designation Map February 25, 2015 Discussion of Attachment A (Greenline) Resolution of Intention related to Historic Preservation March 4, 2015 Resolution Recommending ZOU Resolution Recommending LUCE Amendments (#1-6) Further Discussion of LUCE Amendments (#7-10) Zoning Ordinance Update Final Initial Study/Negative Declaration/Responses to Comments Resolutions of Intention for LUCE Land Use Designation Map and Districting Map
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | SCHEDULE Meeting DateTopics Covered March 5, 2015 Continuation of March 4, 2015 items (if necessary) March 18, 2015 Resolution Recommending LUCE and Zoning Maps Resolution Recommending LUCE Amendments (#7-10)
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | SCHEDULE March 4, 2015 Resolution Recommending that City Council Adopt the Zoning Ordinance Update a. Redline Public Review Draft b. Greenline Modifications to the Redline Resolution Recommending that City Council Adopt LUCE Amendments (#1-6) 1. Amend the title of all “Building Height Standards” graphics in Chapter 2.1 of the LUCE to “Building Height Guidelines” to clarify that graphics do not establish mandatory development standards. 2. Strike the following text from Chapter 2.1: “similar to the established stepback standards of the zoning ordinance in effect as of May 27, 2010” throughout the LUCE. 3. Clarify throughout the LUCE that Tier 1 is baseline, by-right development up to the discretionary review thresholds established by the Zoning Ordinance.
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | SCHEDULE March 4, Amend text on pg (first bullet on the left) to include: “and a 3-foot height bonus above the 32- foot base height.” 5. Eliminate requirement that Tier 2 Residential and Mixed-Use projects be processed by development agreement unless the projects provide nonresidential uses above the first floor. 6. Eliminate the provisions stating that Tier 2 discretionary review be undertaken by a Conditional Use Permit and clarify that this discretionary review can be undertaken by a development review permit or its equivalent. (e.g., pp.3.2-4, 3.2-5, 3.2-6). Further Discussion on LUCE Amendments (#7-10) 7. Consider eliminating Activity Centers Overlays on Wilshire Boulevard—Wilshire/Centinela Activity Center Overlay and/or Wilshire/14th Activity Center Overlay (e.g., pp , 2.5-4, 2.5-6, 2.5-7, 2.5-8, 2.5-9, ) or modifying the development standards authorized in these centers. 8. Consider eliminating Tier 3 from the Mixed-Use Boulevard land use designation (“MUB”) in certain areas of the City or modifying the MUB development standards for Tier 3 in these areas of the City.
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | SCHEDULE March 4, Consider eliminating Tier 3 from the Mixed-Use Boulevard land use designation (“MUB”) in certain areas of the City or modifying the MUB development standards for Tier 3 in these areas of the City. Consider eliminating Tier 3 from the Mixed-Use Boulevard Low land use designation (“MUBL”) in certain areas of the City or modifying the MUBL development standards in these areas of the City. 10. [Historic Resource] Zoning Ordinance Update Final Initial Study/Negative Declaration/Responses to Comments Resolution of Intention to Consider Recommending to Council to Amend LUCE Land Use Map Resolution of Intention to Consider Recommending to Council to Adopt New Zoning Districting Map
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | Attachment A (Potential Greenline Revisions) Conflict between City and Coastal Zone requirements City proposed parking maximum limits may be less than Coastal Zone minimum requirements Language to allow a project to exceed City limit to meet Coastal Zone requirement City Sponsored Bike Share Program Concern that if a private property owner wanted to allow a City Bike Share Facility on their property the use would not be allowed Should this be added as a permitted use to specific zoning districts?
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | Attachment A (Greenline) PC Direction to Revise Redline #106: Community Benefits: Requiring affordable housing units to meet the same requirements as is specified in the AHPP (30%, 50%, 80% affordable level) and to allow the units to be located off-site (but owned either in whole or in part by a non-profit provider) #109: Added provision to Table (Mixed Use District) authorizing no limit to stories for projects with 100% residential uses above the ground floor #110: Added provision to Table (Oceanfront District) authorizing no limit to stories for projects with 100% residential uses above the ground floor #111:Modified basement definition to allow 4 sides of exposure but control exposure through % of wall surface and amount of exposure above finished grade.
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | Basement Definition
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | Basement Definition 3 feet limit above and below ANG, TG, or SANG
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | Redline Revisions PC Direction to Revise Redline #112:Added floor area exclusion for parking that cannot, due to slope and infeasibility from physical or geologic constraints, be developed entirely below grade #113: Added provision to Section to allow 500 or less additions to existing single unit homes when there are certain site slope conditions. Architectural Review Board would review and approve # : Revised auto dealer standards consistent with the direction of the Planning Commission on February 18, 2015 # :Revised parking standards consistent with the direction of the Planning Commission on February 18, 2015
PC | Zoning Ordinance Update | Redline Revisions PC Direction to Revise Redline #131:Revision to Section (B) Abandonment to help with Historic Resource preservation #132: Revision to Section #133: Additional modifications related to Historic Preservation will be incorporated into the Greenline