The strongest tornadoes are in the USA. Every tornado is distinctive. Tornadoes usually occur around 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. In Oklahoma cattle were swept up in a tornado carried across the country and set down unharmed. The word “tornado” is from the Spanish word, tronada. Some people back in the old days thought dust devils were ghosts. A strong tornado can pick up a house. Tornadoes can turn small objects to missiles. Each year lots of people die because of tornadoes. A tornado’s color usually matches the ground color. Some tornadoes are invisible. You would have to wait 1,400 years to be struck by a tornado. Tornadoes have killed more people than hurricanes and floods.
In the year 2003 there were 1,378 tornadoes. The Tri-State Tornado killed 689 people in 3 ½ hours. The Waco Tornado demolished 200 buildings and damaged 400 F5.
Fujita Scale
Our Pictures!!! Elizabeth’s Photo Ellie’s Photo Justin’s Photo
A greenish black color in the sky A strange silence after a thunderstorm Fast and rotating clouds A noise like a waterfall A funnel shaped cloud
Basement!!! Ditch!!! Shower!!! Bathtub!!! Hallway!!! Center of a room!!!