Outlets for Original Alphabets


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Presentation transcript:

Outlets for Original Alphabets The outlets of original alphabets are of two types: General Outlets Special Outlets

General Outlets The General Outlets are of 5 types: Al-Jaof: The space between the mouth and the throat. It forms only one outlet for pronouncing alphabets.

Al-Halaq- The Throat The throat has 3 outlets : Aqsa-al-Halaq: The part of the throat closer to the chest Wasat-al-Halaq: The middle part of the throat ( the concave part of the neck) Aadna-al-Halaq: The top most part of the neck. (where the uvulus is present)

Al-Lisan – The Tongue The tongue forms ten outlets

Al-Shaftan- The lips The pair of lips has two outlets

Al-Khaishoom- The Nasal Cavity The nose or the nasal cavity and it has only one outlet.

Special Outlets

Al-Jaof- The mouth The empty space between the mouth and the throat. It has only one outlet and 3 alphabets are pronounced from this outlet; Alif sakinah preceded by an alphabet with fatha Yaa sakinah preceded by an alphabet with kasra wow sakinah preceded by an alphabet with dammah The three letters are also called huroof-al-madd

Al-Halaq-The Throat Aqsa al-Halaq This part of the throat is distant from the mouth and nearer to the chest. It is the deeper part of the throat. 2 alphabets are pronounced from this part Hamza and Haa

Wasat al-Halaq This portion of the Halaq is in between aqsa al-Halaq and adna al-Halaq. It is the intermediate part of the throat. 2 alphabets are pronounced from this part: Ain and Haa

Adna Al-Halaq This portion is nearer to the mouth. It is the shallow part of the throat. 2 alphabets are pronounced from this outlet: Ghain and Khaa All of the alphabets pronounced from the throat are called Huroof Al- Halaqiyah

Al-Lisan – The Tongue Aqsa Al-Lisan This is the posterior part of the tongue nearer to the throat. Qaaf: is pronounced when the deepest part of the dorsum of the tongue moves upward towards the palate. Kaaf: is pronounced when the deeper part of the dorsum of tongue moves upwards towards the palate. These two alphabets are pronounced by the movement of posterior part of the tongue are called Al-Huroof Al – Lahwiyyah.

Wasat-ul-Lisan This is the intermediate portion of the tongue in between aqsa al lisan and toraf al lisan (tip). when this portion moves upwards towards the palate, three alphabets are pronounced. Jeem Sheen Yaa ( no sukoon) These three alphabets are called Huroof Al Shajariyah

Haafati Al-Lisaan This is the side of tongue. By applying tension on the side of the tongue and pressing it on the upper teeth ( molars and pre-molars) a single alphabet. Daad This alphabet is called harf al-Haafiyah

Toraf Al-Lisan This is the tip of the tongue. It forms part of six outlets from which twelve alphabets are pronounced. Outlet: 1 – This outlet is formed when tip of the tongue presses the inner side of upper central incisor teeth. From this outlet is pronounced the alphabet Laam

Toraf Al-Lisan Outlet # 2 The ip of the tongue presses against the base of central incisor teeth on the inner side. From this outlet is pronounced one alphabet. Noon

Toraf Al-Lisan Outlet # 3 The tip of the tongue with the small portion of the dorsum of tongue touches a little above the bases of central incisor teeth, The tip of the tongue is bent dorsally inside the mouth. From this outlet is pronounced the alphabet Raa Laam, Noon and Raa are grouped as Al-Huroof Al Zalaqiyah.

Toraf Aal-Lisan Outlet # 4 The tip of the tongue with more of dorsum pressing against the bases of central incisor teeth. The three alphabets pronounced from this outlet are: Taw Daal Taa This roup is called Al-Huroof Al-Natoiyyah

Toraf Al-Lisan Outlet # 5 Partial or incomplete touching of the tip of the tongue to the inner side of central incisor teeth leaving a small gap. The alphabets are Sawd Zaa Seen This group is called Al-Huroof Al-Asliyyah

Toraf Al-Lisan Outlet # 6 Tip of the tongue protruding between upper and lower central incisors with a little pressure on the dorsum of the tongue. The alphabets are: Zaw Dhaal Tha This group is called Al-Huroof Al-Lathawiyya

Al-Shaftaan The lips The pairs of lips forms the basis for two outlets Outlet #1: The belly of lower lip touches the edges of the upper incisor teeth resulting in the pronunciation of Faa.

Al-Shaftaan Outlet# 2 When both the lips close forcefully, the resulting alphabets produced are Baa Meem

The alphabet “waw” without the Madd is pronounced with semi circling the lips Faa, Baa, Meem and Waw are groupes as Al-Huroof Al-Shafawiyah

Al-Khaishoom The Nasal Cavity It is the cavity between nose and mouth i.e Nasal Cavity. From this outlet are pronounced: Duplicated Noon Duplicated Meem Merged Noon Merged Meem Concealed Noon Concealed Meem