Business 100 Introduction to Business Dr. Kathy Broneck
Review Marketing a Product Branding Product Development Pricing a Product
Preview Retailing Distribution Consumer Shopping Habits Supply Chain Management
Channel of Distribution Marketing Intermediaries Wholesaler Retailer Agents/Brokers Role of Intermediaries Create Efficiency Value vs. Cost
Utility for Consumers Form Time Place Information Possession Service
Wholesale Intermediaries Merchant Wholesalers Full-Service Limited-Function Rack Jobbers Cash-and-Carry Drop Shippers Business to Business (B2B)
They All Started in 1962 Company1 st StoreObjective Wal-Mart Rogers, Ark. July 1962 Slash prices. Makeup difference in volume Target Roseville, MN May 1962 Discount retailer with strong sense of value Kmart Garden City, MI March 1962 Bring discount store concept to suburban malls Source: Business 2.0, June 2003, p. 38.
Identify a Retailer in Your Area Supermarket Convenience Store Discount Store Department Store Category Killer Specialty Store Factory Outlet Superstores Catalog Showroom
Is It Becoming a Wal-Mart World? *There are 3,400 stores in the U.S. Source: Source: Wal-Mart Annual Report 2003
The Wheel of Retailing PassageofTime 2. Retail Outlet 1. Retail Outlet Starts 3. Retail Outlet 4. New Outlet Enters Adds Service Raises Prices Better Location Adds Service Raises Prices Better Location Low Price Limited Service Out-of-way Location Low Price Limited Service Out-of-way Location Higher Prices Higher Status Higher Prices Higher Status Low Price Limited Service Low Price Limited Service
Retail Store Distribution Intensive Selective Exclusive
Non-Store Distribution E-tailing Telemarketing Vending Machines, Kiosks, Carts Direct Selling Multilevel Marketing Direct Marketing
Why People Don’t Shop Online 1. It isn’t secure 2. It will jeopardize my privacy 3. Usually must pay shipping charges 4. Not enough selection 5. Can’t touch/try things first 6. No satisfaction guarantee 7. Returns are a hassle 8. Won’t arrive on time 9. Hard to find things online 10. Enjoy getting out of house to shop Source: blink,
Necessary Website Features Source: “Dreaming of a Green Christmas”, Newsweek, November 11, 2002, p. E24
Channel Cooperation Corporate Distribution Contractual Distribution Administered Distribution Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain
Logistics Physical Distribution Inbound Materials Outbound Reverse Information
Transportation & Storage Modes Railroad Motor Vehicles Water Pipeline Air Intermodal Warehousing Storage Distribution