Assessing Fish Passage at Culverts Metrics and Preliminary findings. Presentation by Richard Thompson Ministry of Environment
Difference Between 2
Turbulence and increased velocity Perched culverts No streambed substrate and low flow issues What are the most common issues resulting in changes in fishes ability to move up a stream channel? 3
Maintain channel continuity through the crossing Goal 1.Streambed diversity and material are similar to natural channel 2.Water Velocities and depths, cover and resting areas are similar to the natural channel Outcome : Crossing is transparent to aquatic species 4
How can we evaluate culverts for Fish Passage? I. Experiments/surveys observing actual fish passage success II. Velocity measurements III. Hydraulic analysis IV. Measurement of surrogates indicative of hydraulic conditions Fish Passage Field Methods 5
This protocol is an example of the surrogate methodology Surrogate key advantages: Limited training very efficient any time of the year Information can be used in other analysis Fish Passage Field Methods 6
Five Key indicators that go into our Surrogate determination 1. Embeddedness 2. Outlet Drop 3. Stream Width Ratio 4. Culvert Slope 5. Culvert Length Fish Passage Field Methods
What is embeddedness? Fish Passage Field Methods
What is outlet drop? 10. Outlet Drop (cm) Invert –ToP (A) ToP – BoC (B) Outlet Drop A+B Outlet drop = A + B Culvert invert Outlet control A B Fish Passage Field Methods 11
I can’t reach
What is Stream Width Ratio? Fish Passage Field Methods 13 Culvert width Channel width
Stream Channel Width Definite change in vegetation and sediment texture Edges of rooted vegetation Fish Passage Field Methods 14
Stream Channel Width Fish Passage Field Methods 15
What is Slope? 20 m 60 cm Slope = Rise Run = =.03 = 3% Fish Passage Field Methods Culvert Slope (%) (less than 4% use level) (nearest 0.1%) (otherwise clino)
20 m Fish Passage Field Methods Length What is culvert length ?
Barrier Determination Channel Width Culvert Diameter Fish Passage ModelEmbedded(9)valueOD(10)valueSWR(11) valu e Slope(12)valueLength(13)valueScore >30 cm. or > 20% of Diameter and continuous (Full)0 < 15 0 < < 1 0 < 15 0 < 30 cm. or 20% of Diameter but continuous (Partial, contin.) – 303 No embeddment or discontinuous (None, discont) 10 > > > 3 10 >
Fish Passage Model Barrier Determination Cumulative ScoreResult passable potential barrier > 20barrier
Crossing Data
ProvinceKootenay Number % Fail7161 % Outlet Drop >30 cm 4347 % Stream Width Ratio > % Slope >1%7781
Fish Passage Technical Working Group Peter Tschaplinski MoE Dave Maloney FLNRO Ian Miller FLNRO Brian Chow FLNRO Craig Mount MoE Terje Vold Angeline Tillmans Gord MacKinnon George Robison Simon Norris (Hillcrest Geographic) Rodger Packham (MoE Retired) Leslie Mckinley Sean Wong Ministry of Environment Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. Department of Fisheries and Oceans Council of Forest Industries Ministry of Transportation and Highways