26th Standing Conference on Stormwater Control, Dunfermline September 2004 Working Together - Implementing the DEX Drainage Master Plan Craig W Berry, W A Fairhurst & Partners Neil Campbell, Sir Frederick Snow & Partners Hugh Ross, Ironside Farrar Rab Hutton, Fife Council
Aim of this Presentation Raise awareness of SuDS Describe the implementation process used at DEX Highlight key achievements. Present experience and lessons from other projects since DEX.
The SUDS Philosophy “ Drainage techniques for urban development which do not adversely affect the aquatic environment” QUANTITY QUALITY SUDS AMENITY AND WILDLIFE
Water Quality - River Pollutant Sources (UK)
Surface Water Management Train Prevention Source Control Site Controls Regional Controls Watercourse Soakaway / Infiltration Swales Filter drains / Filter strips Porous/permeable surface Water butts Bio-retention areas Soakaway / Infiltration Swales Filter drains / Filter strips Porous/permeable surface Water butts Bio-retention areas Good Housekeeping, Management and Re-use Good Housekeeping, Management and Re-use Storage/attenuation Detention Basins Extended Detention Infiltration Basins Storage/attenuation Detention Basins Extended Detention Infiltration Basins Technique End-of Pipe Treatment Retention Ponds Wetlands Reedbeds End-of Pipe Treatment Retention Ponds Wetlands Reedbeds Treatment Level
Source Control Site Control Regional Control SuDS/River Linkage River Restoration
‘Sustainable Urban Drainage is more than just a set of design tools. - It requires a change in design philosophy and attitude’
Why SuDS at DEX? Local flooding and water quality issues Demand for residential and industrial growth. Conventional Drainage Solutions unsustainable and uneconomic Opportunities for cost effective design, and environmental gains SEPA and Planning initiatives Developers commitment to innovative solutions
Dunfermline Eastern Expansion (DEX) 900 acres Residential and Commercial Development, Features - Ponds, wetlands, swales, filter drains, detention basins, source control.
Working Together - The ‘DEX Team’ SEPA Scottish Water Local Community Fife Council Environmental, Roads Fife Council Environmental, Roads Contractors Fairhurst (Civils Designer, SuDS, Ecology, Hydrology) Fairhurst (Civils Designer, SuDS, Ecology, Hydrology) Landscape Architect Meedhurst Project Managers Wilcon Homes Fife Council Planners Fife Council Planners Frederick Snow Advisors Ironside Farrar Scottish Enterprise
The DEX Process
Key Elements Design criteria review process Establishing a collaborative environment Identifying and acknowledging gaps in knowledge Challenging ‘untried’ innovative solutions Learning from experience elsewhere (USA, Sweden) Developers commitment Workshops
Strategic Surface Water Drainage Plan
DEX SuDS Strategy Limit discharge rates from development areas (2 year post development run-off) Promoting source control Provide regional biological treatment (ponds/wetlands) Promote habitat enhancement and local amenity value
Dunfermline Expansion Area Retention Pond Swales Outlet Basin
Duloch Park, Dunfermline
Retention Pond
Duloch Park, Dunfermline Pond Cascades Tesco Store - Permeable surfaces Pond Swales and filter drains
Extended Detention Basin
Retention Pond and River Restoration
Achievements Establishment of criteria for sizing treatment facilities Unconventional drainage systems accepted. Adoption & maintenance framework established. Design standards established. Environmental enhancement. Public acceptance. Monitoring & education programmes implemented.
Key to Success Strategic View. Early Liaison and Stakeholder Workshops. Commitment and vision Collaborative Approach Measurable cost and environmental benefits.
Problems & Barriers Lack of integration between landscape strategy and SuDS features Maintenance issues Preconceptions of SuDS - (just soakaways!) SuDS are expensive Public acceptance and safety concerns Inappropriate and Inconsistent application
Key Initiatives and Drivers Scottish Planning Policy 7: Planning and Flooding (SPP7) SEPA Policy 15 & 41: SuDS & Flooding PAN 61: SuDS Water Framework Directive - Future Impacts? Water Environment and Water Services Act 2003 Controlled Activities Regulations 2005?
Guidance Documents
Development of Design Guidance Maintenance Framework Agreement Research e.g. CIRIA, Abertay New UK Design Guidance 2005? Impact of Scottish Water ‘SuDS for Scotland’?
Other SuDS Features - Residential Swales
Roadside Swales
Permeable Surfaces and Below Ground Storage
Bioretention - ‘Rain Gardens ’
Benchmark Projects Notable major strategic projects: South East Wedge Dunfermline Eastern Expansion Heartlands Development, Polkemmet Dundee Western Gateway Craigmillar Urban Regeneration
Craigmillar and the South East Wedge Surface Water Management Plan Holistic Approach Focus on Environmental Enhancement and Social Integration Promoting Sustainable Development
Craigmillar Regeneration Niddrie Burn Braid Burn
Niddrie Burn
‘Green Corridors’
Sustainable Urban Drainage - Five points to success Holistic and integrated approach Minimise contamination and flooding Add value to the community Stakeholder awareness and involvement Early consideration to SuDS
“The kind of thinking that has got us into this situation is not the kind that will get us out of it.” - Albert Einstein the Alternative Approach