Martin Luther isn’t... Martin Luther King, Jr.
His ideas were:
His ideas were:
Faith saves people - not good works Q: What is meant by “save”?
His ideas were: Faith saves people - not good works -Catholic church = salvation by following church Q: Who will not like this idea of Luther’s? Why?
His ideas were: Ultimate authority for Christians = Bible Q: Who will this anger? Who did Catholics think was the authority? -Catholic Church says Pope is Ultimate Authority Faith saves people - not good works -Catholic church = salvation by following church Q: Who will not like this idea of Luther’s? Why?
His ideas were: Nobody is more important in God’s eyes Q: In Catholic hierarchy who was most important? -laity is equal to clergy Q: Will the Church agree? Faith saves people - not good works -Catholic church = salvation by following church Q: Who will not like this idea of Luther’s? Why? Ultimate authority for Christians = Bible Q: Who will this anger? Who did Catholics think was the authority? -Catholic Church says Pope is Ultimate Authority
Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door
-Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door -Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out Get Out of Here, Luther! You’re a Bad Bad Man! -Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door -Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out -Church declares Luther a heretic Q: What can happen to Luther now that he’s a heretic? Why do you think Luther is not afraid of going to hell for not doing what the church says? -Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door -Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out -Church declares Luther a heretic -Luther goes into hiding & writes New Testament in German Q: Why would this show that Luther was a humanist? -Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door -Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out -Church declares Luther a heretic -Luther goes into hiding & writes New Testament in German -Luther’s ideas spread to princes in German city-states Q: What invention would have helped his ideas spread? -Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Luther nails 95 Theses (ideas) on his church’s door -Pope excommunicates Luther - kicks him out -Church declares Luther a heretic -Luther goes into hiding & writes New Testament in German -Luther’s ideas spread to princes in German city-states -Luther’s followers form 1st Protestant Christian group LUTHERAN CHURCH -Luther from Holy Roman Empire (Germany)
Why were Luther and his followers called Protestants? Because they protested against the Catholic Church. I Protest!
Why is it said that the Protestants started a Reformation? Because they wanted the Catholic Church to reform - or change.