BELLWORK Where did the Northern Renaissance start? (location!) How/why did it reach the North? What did artists in the northern Renaissance paint? Who was Francois Rabelais? Why was he controversial? Who was Thomas More? Why was he controversial? How did the church abuse their power? List at least three reasons!!! THINKER: List three problems you have with school. How could these problems be solved?
What is your problem? Most people in society have something they consider their “problem,” this was especially true during the Renaissance. Even though the Renaissance succeeded in art and literature, many citizens felt the church was too corrupt, peasants had no rights, and society did nothing to stop it. Before we talk about how they attempted to change these problems, I want to know about your problems. More specifically, what are the problems you have with school?
What is your problem? On a blank sheet of paper, come up with the five main problems you have with school. Take this seriously! No personal attacks! In your group, share your problems and come up with the FIVE biggest issues! Next, answer: “how can these problems be solved?” We will discuss these as a class. Just as we listed out the problems and brainstormed solutions, citizens during the Renaissance did the same thing. What were they fighting for?
What is your problem? Most people in society have something they consider their “problem,” this was especially true during the Renaissance. Even though the Renaissance succeeded in art and literature, many citizens felt the church was too corrupt, peasants had no rights, and society did nothing to stop it. Just as we listed out the problems and brainstormed solutions, citizens during the Renaissance did the same thing. What were they fighting for?
Reformation Reformation: (1517-1563) a change in the Church’s ways of practicing and teaching Christianity. Causes: Corruption of the pope Discontent over Church policies and practices Church authority over society
Religion is a good concept, but the people running it are corrupt! THE MAIN IDEA!!! Religion is a good concept, but the people running it are corrupt!
Protestant Reformation In Germany, the movement for reform led to a split in the Church that produced a new form of Christianity called Protestantism. This started the Protestant Reformation; led by Martin Luther. Luther was a monk and professor that criticized the power and corruption of the Catholic church in 1517. Famous for his “95 Theses” that criticized church practices
What was Luther’s “problem?” Topics of 95 Theses: Baptism Powers of clergy Rejected indulgences Removing sin Punishment for heresy Use of confession
Luther’s Criticisms Indulgences: paying for forgiveness. The Bible was only in Latin: this allowed the pope to translate it however he wanted. Luther’s supporters became known as Protestants because they protested against the church.
Sale of Indulgences
Martin Luther Since Martin Luther was the most famous reformist we are going to read about his changes and conflicts within the Catholic church. We will start reading the article together. As we read, you must fill out this graphic organizer. I will check them for points once you are finished. What you do not finish is homework!!!
Closure On your sheet of paper answer the following questions: What is Reformation? What were the causes of Reformation? Who was Martin Luther? What were Luther’s criticisms of the church?