Ethos, Pathos, Logos Persuasive Techniques
Types of Persuasion Ethos – Moral Character Pathos – Emotion Logos – Logic/Reason
ETHOS Persuading the audience with one’s character or image Sports figures – Kobe, Manning, Derek Jeter, Lebron James, etc. Actors/Actresses - ________ Celebrities – Kim Kardashian All of these people use their images for promoting purposes.
ETHOS What examples of ethos exist in today’s advertising world? How could you use it in your writing?
PATHOS Using the audience’s emotion to persuade them. Infomercials Donations Appeals to the heart
PATHOS What examples of pathos exist in today’s advertising world? How could you use it in your writing?
LOGOS Persuading the audience using logic and reason. Using persuasion that just makes sense OR Using persuasion that you can make, make sense
LOGOS What examples of logos exist in today’s advertising world? How could you use it in your writing?