Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
The purpose of this class is to be encouraged by the faithfulness of God to His children over the past 2000 years, so that we can glorify God by running with perseverance the race marked out for us. Purpose Statement
Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation Review 1. John Wycliffe
John Wycliffe Oxford, UK Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation Review 1. John Wycliffe 2. John Huss
John Huss Prague, CHZ Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation A. Social Climate 1. Martin Luther B. Germany & Scandinavia
Martin Luther Wittenberg, GER Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation A. Social Climate 1. Martin Luther B. Germany & Scandinavia 2. The Thirty Years War
Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation C. Switzerland, Holland & France 1. Erasmus of Rotterdam
Erasmus Basel, SWZ Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation C. Switzerland, Holland & France 1. Erasmus of Rotterdam Ulrich Zwingli
Ulrich Zwingli Zurich, SWZ Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation C. Switzerland, Holland & France 1. Erasmus of Rotterdam Ulrich Zwingli John Calvin
John Calvin Paris, FRA Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation C. Switzerland, Holland & France 1. Erasmus of Rotterdam Ulrich Zwingli John Calvin Menno Simons
Menno Simons Friesland, NLD Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation C. Switzerland, Holland & France 1. Erasmus of Rotterdam Ulrich Zwingli John Calvin Menno Simons
Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation D. The Church of England 1. The Divorce 2. Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Cranmer Cambridge, UK Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity
Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation D. The Church of England 1. The Divorce 2. Thomas Cranmer Later English Reform
Following Christ: From Jerusalem to Waldheim Telling the Story of Christianity Part I: Martin Luther The Reformation E. The Catholic Church 1. The Council of Trent 2. The Jesuits F. Conclusion 1. Application 2. Discussion