The Reformation Chapter 3
What is the Protestant Reformation? It is the time period between ________________________ It was led by a monk named, ________________________________. He was trying to find _________________with God that the Roman Church could not give him.
What Scripture gave Martin Luther peace? ___________________________, “the just shall live by faith.” As a professor at the _______________________________ in Germany, Luther taught his students about the grace and love of God.
Against what abuse by the Roman Church did Luther speak out? The selling of___________________, which church members bought to avoid doing penance. In 1517, indulgence sellers came to Germany to raise money for the building of_________________________________ in Rome.
What act sparked the Reformation? The nailing on the ____________________________ on the church door in Wittenburg. Statements for debate on the topic of _________________________. It was intended for scholars, but it was printed in Germany and passed out to many.
How did the Church respond? The church asked him to _____________________ what he had said. He refused and the church _________________________________ him from the church.
How did the emperor respond? He was tried at the _____________________________ where he was declared an_____________________________.
What are the three key doctrines taught by the reformers? The Authority of _________________ Justification by _________________ The Priesthood of the_______________________________
What were the people who chose to follow Scripture and leave the Roman Catholic Church called? __________________________
What was the Reformed church? _________________________who agreed with Luther on everything but church__________________________. Luther said you could follow the practices of the Roman Church as long as it didn’t conflict with Scripture.
Who was the leader of the Reformed church? ____________________________ of Geneva Switzerland
What were the Reformed church more commonly referred to as? ___________________________________
Who led the Reformed Protestants in Scotland? _______________________________
What Church did Knox establish in Scotland? __________________________________
What were the Protestant Reformers in France called? __________________________________ In 1572, the ___________________________________ many men women and children were slaughtered by a anti- Protestant group in Paris.
How did England become Protestant? First, _____________________________ broke away from the Catholic church for political reasons. His son ________________________and _________________________actually strengthened Protestantism by establishing the Church of England.
What two men attempted to bring the Catholics and Protestants back together? ___________________________________
What was the result of the Council of Trent? The first ever _________________________ statement of Roman Catholic beliefs and practices.
Luther’s teachings about the family. Families were a gift from _______________________. Encouraged former monks and nuns to ___________________________.
_____________comes first, then your ____________________. Parents should love and discipline their children to teach them to obey authority (__________________________, a ________________________, or the _______________________________)
What should a Christian do with his talents? ______________________them to God.
In what way did the reformers differ from the Roman Church regarding service to God. They felt that ______________ believers could do service to God, not just the_______________________________.
What was the Wars of Religion? For 130 yrs. after Martin Luther nailed the Ninety-five Theses to the church door of Wittenberg, the __________________________ and the ___________________________________ church fought.
What were the results of the Wars of Religion? The war freed ______________________________from the domination of the pope ________________________and ____________________________ gained the right and power to rule. It let ____________________________decide which church would receive support from local taxes.
Read p. 61, “Luther’s Life and Family” and answer the following questions: Why didn’t Luther want to get married? How did God use Luther’s willingness to marry to expand his ministry?