John Calvin vs. Martin Luther Protestant Reformation
Do Now: Wednesday, October 5 Have your homework out MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON IT It is being collected Watch 95 Theses Rap Using the lyrics from the 95 Theses rap you saw, highlight or underline the important facts that you find.
Luther’s Beliefs Faith in God along will bring salvation Bible was the sole source of religious truth (not church councils or the Pope) Equality all Christians had equal access to God through faith and the Bible No Pope Priests had more freedoms could marry Approved of 2 of 7 sacraments Baptism & Eucharist Banned indulgences, confession, pilgrimages, prayers to saints Abolished rituals of mass & emphasized the sermon
Spread & Acceptance of Luther’s Ideas Printing Press made it easy to spread ideas Translation from Latin to German (VERNACULAR) Local princes of Germany agreed with Luther No one wanted to pay for construction in Italy that they would never see German Nationality Some local German churches accepted Luther’s ideas Lutheranism formed
Spread & Acceptance of Luther’s Ideas German princes issued a formal “protest” against the Church for suppressing reforms Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, made treaty with princes called Peace of Augsburg 1555 Allowed each prince to decide which religion (Catholic or Lutheran) would be followed North = Lutheran South = Catholic Reformers known as PROTESTants Protestants
John Calvin French Anti-Catholic 1535 published Institutes of the Christian Religion Set forth his religious ideas Influenced by Martin Luther A theocracy was formed government ruled by church leaders 1541 Geneva, Switzerland Asked him to be their leader
Calvin Beliefs God was all powerful Humans by nature are sinful God alone decided whether an individual achieved eternal life Preached predetermination God determined long ago who would gain salvation
Predestination What does this do to his followers? They believe that they can’t change or screw up their life Anything they do, good or bad, was all ready determined RELAXED No drinking, card playing, gambling, swearing
Calvinism Spread England Puritans Scotland Presbyterians Holland Dutch Reform France Huguenots
Christianity Catholic Protestant Lutheranism Calvinism Puritan Dutch Presbyterian Dutch Reform Huguenots
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