The Protestant Reformation
Causes of the Reformation? Church corruption Anger of Holy Roman Empire towards Church Efforts of reformers, like Martin Luther & John Calvin Secular leaders’ greed for Church land
Church Corruption Was all church corruption equal? What was worse? Priests marrying? Simony (purchase of church offices)? Indulgences (“buying” salvation)? They were ALL bad……!
Why did the Reformation Start in the Holy Roman Empire? No centralized state (390+ separate entities) Church controlled a lot of land in HRE Church took advantage of HRE lands and rulers Weak, generally small states Church taxed them Most residents of HRE were angry at church abuses
Martin Luther Luther’s background Priest and professor, at U of Wittenberg (HRE) Offended by indulgences and John Tetzel, commissioner of Pope Basis of indulgences: faith + good works = salvation Tetzel: "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." Wrote 95 Theses (arguments) against indulgences & Tetzel Example: #86 Challenged Tetzel to debate (ignored) Luther used printing press to spread his side of argument
Luther’s Excommunication Luther began pamphlet campaign, spreading his ideas Distance from HRE to Rome a factor 1517: Luther’s letter to Archbishop of Mainz Late 1518 = initial response to Luther’s 95 Theses What was Luther doing during this time? 1521: Diet of Worms Luther ordered to appear for trial and execution Luther attended, then… disappeared! Luther abducted by Electors who wanted to “convert” to new religion (why?) TO TAKE CHURCH LAND! 100+ years of religious wars a result
Spread of Lutheranism
Activity Read the following Primary Source documents and answer the corresponding questions. Then answer the following essay question in 2 paragraphs: “How did the protestant reformation change Europe?” Due at the end of class.
Video What just happened? Why is this event important?
John Calvin (1509-1564) John Calvin was a French lawyer Left Catholic Church around 1530 Fled France to Switzerland due to anti- Protestant violence in 1536 Wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion (His statement of belief) Predestination All events have been willed by God Humans have no free will The “Elect” God has chosen a small group of people for salvation, the Elect No one knows who the Elect are Elect naturally live life according to Biblical teachings, demonstrating their fitness for salvation
The Reformation in England Divorced Divorced Henry VIII had a problem….. Wanted a divorce Pope refused Henry’s response (1534) Henry confiscated all Church land in England 20%+ of English lands Distributed to loyal noblemen Started his own church = Anglican Church King was head of church Divorce was allowed Executed Executed Died
Reformation Europe (Late 16c)
Effects of the Reformation Increase in Nationalism – identity to a nation of people vs. “Christendom” Bible translated into vernacular (English, German, etc) Catholic “Counter Reformation” Religious Wars
Activity Read the following Primary Source documents and answer the corresponding questions. Then answer the following essay question in 2 paragraphs: “What were the effects of the Protestant Reformation? Do you think the Reformation was successful? Why or why not?” Due at the end of class.