Name a time where someone stood up for what they believed in (your life, TV show, etc.). What ended up happening to them? Agenda Notes/PowerPoint Martin Luther Video Exit Quiz
Changes to the Church
What were some things the Church was doing during the middle ages that people living at that time might not have liked? What made people begin to question the Church? What happened to people that questioned the church?
Reformation Rap Reformation Rap What are the 95 Theses? What were some problems Luther had with the Church? What did church leaders accuse Martin Luther of? Martin Luther translated the Bible into vernacular language. What effect do you think this had on the Church’s power?
A. Poor leadership 1. The Popes were supposed to be the spiritual leaders of the church, but while they ruled over papal states, they were only concerned with gaining power B. Paying for indulgences 1. The church charged money to forgive follower’s sins.
C. People who went against the teachings of the church were known as Protestants Protest means to speak out against something
A. Martin Luther 1. Background – German monk and professor who saw many problems with the teachings of the Church 2. Contributions – posted the 95 thesis a. 95 Thesis – List of complaints of church teachings by Martin Luther
3. Established Lutheranism, a separate Christian church a. Lutherans believe a person could go to heaven by faith alone 4. The Peace of Augsburg formally accepted the division of Christianity in Europe
During this movie, take notes on: Who Luther was, what he did, and where he was from Problems Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church and what he did about it What kinds of things Luther went through during his protests against the Church
“Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man or lends to a needy man does better than if he used the money to buy an indulgence” Summarize what Martin Luther is saying in this quote Agenda Notes/PowerPoint Martin Luther Video
-origins-of-calvinism#the-origins- of-calvinism -origins-of-calvinism#the-origins- of-calvinism B. John Calvin 1. Contributions –Founded Calvinism a. Calvinists believe in predestination – which means that God has already determined who will go to heaven. 2. Today called Presbyterian
estand-reformation-english- reformation#protestand-reformation- english-reformation estand-reformation-english- reformation#protestand-reformation- english-reformation C. King Henry VIII 1. Contributions – created the Anglican Church 2. Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife and marry another woman 3. Since the Catholic Church would not allow this, Henry VIII created his own church, calling it the Anglican Church
A. Decline in religious unity 1. Instead of one united Christian Church in Western Europe, there were now four different groups B. Decline in power of the Catholic Church 1. Because of the divisions, the Catholic Church held less power over political leaders and their lands
During this movie, take notes on: Who Luther was, what he did, and where he was from Problems Martin Luther had with the Catholic Church and what he did about it What kinds of things Luther went through during his protests against the Church
LaptopNo Laptop Go to useful links Use Martin Luther Biography to complete the job application Use the Religion Comparison Chart to fill out the Venn diagram
Paragraph 1 Give basic information about Martin Luther (who he was, what he did, where he was from, etc.) Paragraph 2 What problems did Martin Luther have with the Church? (Mention 95 Theses) Paragraph 3 Explain what happened to Luther after he posted the 95 Theses and effects of Christianity today Paragraph 4 Summarize your essay in this paragraph. Be sure to include a sentence about why Luther was so important
Grab a worksheet (by the folders/basket) and complete it. Venn Diagram - Use my useful links or the chart on page 422 (8 points) Agenda Worksheet Martin Luther Video Essay Homework Reformation Quiz TOMORROW!!! Reformation Quiz TOMORROW!!!
STUDY FOR YOUR REFORMATION QUIZ!! Agenda Reformation Quiz Finish essays/worksheets Age of Exploration