The Protestant Reformation The Protestant Reformation split the Catholic Church and created several new churches.
An Era of Reform 1500 or so northern Humanist argued that the Roman Catholic Church had lost sight of its spiritual mission. This caused a split in the Church in western Europe known as the reformation.
Causes: The Church seemed more interested in income than saving souls. They claimed the Popes acted as political leaders and warriors and should focus on setting the example of moral leadership. Some priest engaged in vice and misconduct instead of encouraging spiritual and moral behavior. The Northern Humanists sought a new emphasis on personal faith and spirituality. The Catholic Church ignores their concerns. The Humanists encourage those who are unhappy to withdraw from the church and meet with like-minded people.
The Pope himself seen as a moneychanger
The Beginning
The Beginning Germany was made up of 300 independent states which set up the foundation for the reformation to take place. Pope Leo X was in the process of rebuilding the St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican sent a monk Johann Tetzel to raise funds in the northern Germany states. Tezel asked people to buy indulgences, or pardons from punishment for sin.
St. Peter’s Basilica
Luther’s Protest Luther Claimed that Tetzel committed a grave error by asking people to give up money for false promises of forgiveness. Luther receives revelation, people could receive salvation only through the grace of God. Luther then challenges Tetzel posts the 95 these, or statements, about indulgences on the church door.
Timeline Luther summoned to appear before the Diet Luther refuses to abandon his ideas Luther banished from the Empire and his works Martin Luther excommunicated Luther translates the Bible into German Luther’s works and his ideas continue to spread Luther believes that Christians were fully capable of interpreting and understanding scripture for themselves. Luther establishes Lutheran Church
The Spread of Protestantism Charles V tries to stop the spread of Protestantism by sending troops to stamp out the religion. He is unsuccessful, in 1555 reaches compromise known as The Peace of Augsburg. It states that the German ruler had the right to choose the religion for his state. Almost all German rulers chose Luther’s faith in opposition to Rome.
Creation of Sects The Anglican Church King Henry VIII First wife Cathrine of Aragon. Second wife Anne Boleyn
Queen Bloody Mary After King Henry VIII, King Edward VI took the throne, and after his death, the reign of Queen “Bloody” Mary was the next obstacle to the printing of the Bible in English. She was possessed in her quest to return England to the Roman Church. In 1555, John "Thomas Matthew" Rogers and Thomas Cranmer were both burned at the stake. Mary went on to burn reformers at the stake by the hundreds for the "crime" of being a Protestant. This era was known as the Marian Exile, and the refugees fled from England with little hope of ever seeing their home or friends again.
Calvinism Founded by John Calvin He formulated and published a complete and clear set of religious beliefs, “The Institutes of the Christian Religions” Believed in predestination and “The Elect” Created a Theocracy in Geneva.