 12-1 The Protestant Reformation.  7.9 Students analyze the historical developments of the Reformation.  1. List the causes for the internal turmoil.


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Presentation transcript:

 12-1 The Protestant Reformation

 7.9 Students analyze the historical developments of the Reformation.  1. List the causes for the internal turmoil in and weakening of the Catholic church (e.g., tax policies, selling of indulgences).  2. Describe the theological, political, and economic ideas of the major figures during the Reformation (e.g., Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale).

 Reformation  Indulgence  Purgatory  Martin Luther  Protestants  John Calvin  King Henry VIII

 The Protestant Reformation I. The Catholic Church Faces Challengers A.Unpopular Church Practices B.The Call for Reform II. Martin Luther Urges Reform A.A Break from the Church B.Luther’s Teachings III. Other Reformers A.William Tyndale B.John Calvin C.Henry VIII

 The Catholic Church faced challengers who were upset with the behavior of Catholic clergy and with church practices  Martin Luther urged reform in the Catholic Church, but he eventually broke away from the church  Other reformers built on the ideas of early reformers to create their own churches

 Unsatisfied with the Roman Catholic Church, religious reformers broke away to form their own churches

 They weakened the church’s influence

 An idealistic, independent thinker

 Buying indulgences reduced the amount of time spent in purgatory

Martin Luther William Tyndale Henry VIII John Calvin

 He translated the Bible into German

 That people did not need priests to interpret the Bible for them

 He wanted a divorce, and the pope wouldn’t let him leave his wife. So he named himself the head of the church in England, and left the Catholic church.