Jessica Miller, UCAP Project Manager, Utah System of Higher Education & Brenda Luther, University of Utah Director, Care Management Programs Utah Cluster Acceleration Partnership (UCAP): Aligning Industry Needs with Educational Programs
Audience Questions What state are you from? What are the key industries in your state or your region? What are the current initiatives already occurring in your state?
Strengthening the alignment between industry needs and educational programs with partnerships
UCAP Goals and Objectives Goal 1— Increase Economic Cluster Connectivity and Educational Alignment Goal 2— Respond to Industry Identified Skill Gaps Goal 3— Enhance the Role of the Regional Institutions in Economic Development Goal 4— Promote Regional Stewardship
2014 UCAP Grant Awards – Economic Development Approved Applications Summary Institution/Organization:Application Title:Key use of funds: Funding Awarded: Industry Supporting: Box Elder County Utah Unmanned Aircraft System Test Center Business Infrastructure & COA Development $250,000Aerospace University of Utah Cell Therapy & Regenerative Medicine Program Expansion, Business Development $200,000Life Science University of Utah & Salt Lake County Church & State Business Incubator Business Creation, Training Development$200,000Multiple Totals:$650,000
Institution/Organization:Application Title:Key use of funds: Funding Awarded: Industry Supporting: Bridgerland ATC Automated Manufacturing & Robotics BATC Replicate Robotics program on another campus$100,000Manufacturing *Dixie ATC Advanced Manufacturing Alliance New Program Development & Program Expansion$200,000Manufacturing Ogden Weber ATC Advanced Composites Equipment Program Expansion & Equipment Upgrade$100,000Manufacturing Salt Lake Community College Plastics Molding Skilled Workers Project Program Expansion$175,000Manufacturing Snow CollegeIT/CS Expansion Program Replicate CIS Program at a different campus$110,000IT Southwest ATCAdvanced Manufacturing New Program Development & Expansion$120,000Aerospace Southern Utah University Workforce Development for MSC Aerospace Industry Program Expansion$73,500Aerospace/IT Uintah Basin ATC Well Control / Safety Enhancement Program Enhancement$77,500Energy Utah State University, Moab Launching Career, Technical, & STEM Education Programs New Program Development; Connect CTE Pathways, Connect After-school Program$101,000STEM Utah State University Eastern, Blanding Expanding Healthcare Workforce in Eastern Utah New Program Development$160,000Life Science Utah Valley University Regulatory Affairs Graduate Certificate Program Continued Program Development$33,000Life Science Weber State University Production Control and Automation New Program Development$150,000Manufacturing Totals:$1,400,000 *Consortium 2014 UCAP Grant Awards – Training Programs
University of Utah – Care Management
Utah’s Health Care Initiative The priority initiatives for UCAP were: Care Management – program and curriculum implemented for post BSN level nurses. Residency Program –Capstone combined residency to integrate graduate nurses in to practice. Innovative Clinical Placement – clinical placement opportunities other than traditional experiences to meet clinical educations outcomes and quality of clinical experiences for nursing students.
Objectives 1.Organize healthcare industry to assess the unique care management needs in Utah’s community. 2.Base curriculum on regional industry as well as national standards of care management. 3.Prepare a program of study that can be shared by other nursing and social work higher-ed systems.
CARE MANAGEMENT Industry Partners Intermountain Healthcare IASIS Healthcare HCA/Mountain Star University of Utah Health Care
CARE MANAGEMENT Higher Education Partners
The Gap: Survey Says... “Care management competencies lack an educational pathway.” THE PURPOSE To continue the profession of nursing as the leader of care management and population management— balancing cost, quality, and access. Clinical, financial, and psychosocial theory and experience to be successful in these roles.
Phase One Implementation University of Utah developed Program of Study and Course Objectives for: –Post Baccalaureate Certificate –Master’s track (approved by Utah Board of Regents and UofU Academic Senate)
Phase Two Expanding to Interdisciplinary Industry identified expert care managers U of U enrolled first Cohort at the U of U from these industry experts Expand the certificate to an Interdisciplinary status for nurses, social workers and other healthcare professions
Phase Three Sharing with other State Universities Programs of Study and Course Objectives for Certificate Program shared with partnering Universities. Partnering Universities taking POS and course approvals through their own institution processes. Partnering universities collaborating on shared faculty load, payment from student to teaching institution per course.
Best Practices Already connected groups – Education and Industry healthcare leaders already meeting in one forum Using what we have – The CON already had structure of certificate and Master’s programs in other specialties Recognition and Support – Recognize, call-out, support the progress noted
Challenges Continued connection with partners for next steps Identifying other strengths in other facilities to support the goals
Conclusion Q&A Or share your State’s current initiatives
Jessica Lucero Miller, PhD UCAP Project Manager, USHE Brenda Luther, PhD, RN Director & Asst. Prof. University of Utah