A Pretest to the study of Early Hominids Miss Caroline Hardeman Simi Elementary 6 th Grade
Early Hominids: A Vocabulary Review The following are vocabulary words you will need to know to completely benefit fro the upcoming lessons. You will test your knowledge of these words in the upcoming slides. Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Test your vocabulary skills A definition will appear on the screen. See if you can identify which vocabulary word it defines. Keep track of the definitions you know. You will need to review those that you miss in order to pass the Early Hominid Test
Ready to try out you word knowledge??? Here are the words Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge Click the image to begin the review
What is…… An object made or used by people in the past? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? An artifact is an object made or used by people in the past. Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… Relating to a ceremony, such as a religious ceremony? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? Ritual means relating to a ceremony, such as a religious ceremony Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is it when…… A group of organisms share responsibility and care for one another Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? A community is when a group of organisms share responsibility and care for one another Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… A prehistoric human called? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? A hominid is what we call a prehistoric human. Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… A dead body or the parts of an organism that are left to be examined after death? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? Remains are a dead body or the parts of an organism that are left to be examined after death Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… A piece of land connecting two continents ? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? A land bridge is a piece of land connecting two continents Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… The study of the past through examining objects that people have left behind? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? Archaeology is is the study of the past through examining objects that people have left behind. Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… The time before written history ? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? Prehistory is the time before written history. Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… A two-footed animal, or animal that walks on two feet Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? A biped is a two- footed animal, or animal that walks on two feet Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is…… The study of human development and culture ? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? Anthropology is the study of human development and culture Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What is it called…… To move from one geographic region to another ? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? To migrate is to move from one geographic region to another Click on the green light to go on to the next definition or the target to see the word list again
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
What are…… Skills possessed by a particular group or species ? Click on the green light to check your answers, or the target to see the word list again.
Vocabulary prehistoryarchaeology artifactritual hominidcapabilities anthropology remains biped migrate community land bridge
Were you correct?? Capabilities are skills possessed by a particular group or species Click on the green light to go on to the Score Scale.
Rate Your Vocabulary Skills 36 points – Perfect! You are ready to learn about Early Hominids points - Good work! You need some basic review, but you are almost there points – On your way! Be sure to review the words you missed points – You need to study!
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