My Reflections Jennifer L. Ceville ED500-EC03 Dr. Julie Charles Kaplan University December 07, 2005
2 Introduction to the Master of Arts Program: Why do I need this course? Because as G.I. Joe puts it, “Knowing is half the battle!” This is my favorite quote and I use it quite frequently in my teaching. I have found that I use it even more in my learning! Knowing the reasons behind the Philosophy of Education statement, knowing how to perform a case study analysis, knowing how to create an electronic portfolio, and knowing how to write a reflective journal helps me achieve the outcomes designed for this course. I believe I have met these outcomes and the intent of this reflective journal is to illustrate this fact.
3 1. Improvement in Teaching Practice Using course theory and independent research, describe how your teaching practice has been improved. The artifact of your choice should show a direct relationship between practice and outcome. It should demonstrate your deep understanding of concepts/strategies and your improved knowledge, skills, behaviors. –The Artifact: Philosophy of Education Statement
4 Improvement in Teaching Practice –The Artifact: Philosophy of Education Statement Click to activate this document.
5 Improvement in Teaching Practice I have been able to demonstrate my deep understanding of concepts/strategies and my improved knowledge, skills, and behaviors in the Introduction to the Master’s of Arts Program by developing a profound Philosophy of Education Statement (Ceville, 2005, December 5). This statement encapsulates my beliefs on the student as a diverse learner, my views on education reforms used in society today, how I motivate my learners, and how I relate professionally with my peers, parents, and community.
6 Improvement in Teaching Practice Additionally, referring to article, “Why Do I Need a Philosophy of Education Statement?” Azwell (2000)”, I am able to clearly see the benefits of creating a unique statement of my own. She elaborates on this point by saying, “that the more clearly they can articulate their beliefs, the better they can use those beliefs to guide their decision making thoughts as a teacher” (Azwell, 2000) reflects the same views that I’ve learned from Kaplan University. Dr. Charles has shown me through our discussion boards that like Azwell, “the philosophy statements become lenses through which teachers can examine what they do. Furthermore, for my students, a well written philosophy statement can serve as a marketing tool, giving a prospective employer a glimpse of the kind of teacher each one will be (2000).”
7 Improvement in Teaching Practice After reading, “Generalities that could have been written by anyone will not effectively serve this purpose.” I know my work with on my Philosophy of Education Statement (Ceville, 2005, December 5) must continue. When I submitted the statement I thought, “Hey, this is a catchy, simple statement that speaks about me.” I see now that I must stray away from the “catch” phrases and focus on specifics that I employ in my classroom. I feel as though I understand the outcomes, but “know” that I have plenty of room for improvement.
8 2. Mastery of Program Competencies The artifact of your choice should match one or more of the five program competencies. Thoroughly describe how the artifact displays your mastery in the specific program competencies. –The Artifact: Case Study Analysis: Dr. Wilson's Skill and Proficiency--Meeting the Program Goals, Competencies, and Indicators of Kaplan University's Master of Arts In Teaching and Learning Conceptual Framework
9 Improvement in Teaching Practice –The Artifact: Case Study Analysis Click to activate this document.
10 2. Mastery of Program Competencies By doing this case study analysis (Ceville, 2005, October 23) I gained a clearer understanding of how long-term and short-term planning helps meet the needs of my students. I also found through my analysis the importance of building positive relationships with my students by relating my own experiences in my lessons. This has been an area of strength for me much to my surprise. Before entering Kaplan University, I had never done a research analysis. However, during this term I have received full credit for the research analyses in each course. I believe this mastery has come from our extensive discussions and seminars. Dr. Charles has provided thought provoking questions and gave valuable criticisms that I applied to my coursework.
11 3. Impact on Student Learning Reflect on how your K-12 student learners clearly exhibit vast improvement in critical thinking skills, subject matter and/or behavior. Describe how the artifact documents evidence of specific classroom tools used to show a positive impact on student learning in the short-term or long- term. The artifact proves a direct relationship between practice and impact. –The Artifact: Disney Teacher Award News Clip
12 3. Impact on Student Learning –The Artifact: Disney Teacher Award News Clip Please click on the mustang for video to load.
13 3. Impact on Student Learning The work I did in this course helped me build my knowledge of professional responsibilities and relationships (Program Goal). I thought systematically about my practice and learned from experience (Program Competency # 4). More specifically, I was able to: –Explain the reflective decision-making process and how reflective decision making leads to greater understanding of teaching and learning (Knowledge Indicator 4K1).
14 3. Impact on Student Learning It is apparent from this nomination that I have reached a parent or child. It is an honor to receive this nomination and I believe it was through my coursework which taught me how to reflect on my lessons, understand the importance of my students’ diversity and provide creative and motivating lessons that catered to their need individually based on my reflections.
15 3. Impact on Student Learning The 2006 Disney Teacher Award Nomination (Wick, 2005) is further explained in the following.PDF file: Click to activate this document.
16 References Azwell, T. (2000, June). Why do I need a philosophy of education? Retrieved December 6, 2005, from Reading Online Web Site: Ceville, J. L. (2005). Education report Ceville Disney 2006 teacher award nominee.mpg [Motion picture]. (Available from 1333 Verna Marie Drive, Midwest City, OK 73110) Retrieved December 6, 2005, from Ceville4LIFE Web Site: dNominee.mpg dNominee.mpg Ceville, J. L. (2005, December 5). Philosophy of education statement. Retrieved December 6, 2005, from Web Site: Ceville, J. L. (2005, October 23). Case study analysis: Dr. Wilson's skill and proficiency--Meeting the program goals, competencies, and indicators of Kaplan University's Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning Conceptual Framework. Retrieved December 6, 2005, from Ceville4LIFE Web Site: Wick, T. (2005, November 7) Disney Teacher Award Nomination Letter. Retrieved December 6, 2005, from Ceville4LIFE Web Site: