C ONFLICT Artifact: Description: I chose this video from Youtube because it shows conflict and conflict is one of my literary terms in my literary terms booklet. Conflict is one of the words that we studied so far this semester. This video is a clip from Sesame Street, guest starring Robin Williams. It shows Robin Williams and the Two Headed Monster discussing the word 'conflict'. Williams asks the Two Headed Monster to demonstrate what the word conflict is and the monster keeps doing it wrong. Since the Two Headed Monster keeps acting out conflict wrong, Williams and the monster start arguing. Then they realize that their argument is conflict. The type of conflict that this is, is person vs person. Or in this case, person vs monster.
Summary/Explanation of Specific Skills/ Learning Outcomes that Arifact Demonstartes: This artifact shows conflict. Conflict is one of the words that we studied for our litereary terms. The definition of conflict of in our literary terms booklet is: conflict- the struggle between two opposing forces or characters. It may be external or internal. It may take the form of: person against another person, person against society, person against nature, or person against self.
Challenges or Areas for Continued Learning: Any challenges or areas for continued learning in the literary terms unit of mine is to start using the literary terms more often. I use the literary terms a little in everyday life but I think that I could use them more often. Instead of using boring and plain words all the time, I will try to use the literary terms that we learned in the beginning of the semester.
A NTAGONIST A ND P ROTAGONIST Artifact: Description: This is an image of Harry Potter and Voldemort.
Summary/Explanation of Specific Skills/Learning Outcomes That Artifact Demonstrates: I used this image because Voldermort is the anatagonist of Harry Potter and Harry is the protagonist of the series. These two words are important because these were two words that we learned in our short stories unit. They are two words that were included in our literary terms booklet.
Challenges or Areas for Continued Learning: A challenge for continued learning is for me to use the words from the literary terms booklet more often. Instead of using words that are very common, I will try to use more interesting vocabulary.