February 2014
Founded Located in Crystal Lake, IL. offers six associate's degrees and 17 Associate of Applied Science degrees. About 400 AA, AS and related degree graduates each semester. Serves about 7,000 credit students annually, 37% full time.
Until 2013 MCC used the CAAP test as a graduation requirement for AA and AS degrees. CAAP measures Math, Writing, Scientific Inquiry, and Critical Thinking. However, MCC’s general education goals are Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Ethical Awareness, Technological Literacy, and Information Literacy. CAAP did not give us the feedback we needed.
In addition, students took the CAAP test as a graduation requirement, but it had no grade or meaning to the student, and the results didn’t always reflect student learning outcomes. MCC was spending money on an assessment and not using the data for meaningful transformations.
CAAP Not utilized, didn’t map to Gen Ed Objectives Writing our own test Difficult to validate Curriculum Map/Course Sequence/Individual Tracking of Student Assessment Time intensive E-Portfolio Time intensive
Will it be a graduation requirement or voluntary? Which programs/courses will complete it? Will all graduates complete it (transfer, reverse transfer?) How will e-portfolio completion be enforced? For purposes of graduation, how will completion be defined?
What happens to students that aren’t aware of the requirement? What happens to students deciding late they will graduate that haven’t collected artifacts? What happens to students that transferred the majority of credits and have no artifacts? Who will provide training for students and faculty on e-portfolio construction? How will students be notified of the requirement / when does it go into effect?
What type of submission components will be allowed (text, picture, audio, video)? What type of software platform is needed to support an e-portfolio? What type of assignments will be considered? (Pre-determined list or students choice?) Will there be a cover letter requirement?
How will students submit the portfolio? How will the Credential Evaluators know a portfolio has been submitted and meets the requirement? How long will students be able to access the portfolio? Will there be a way to provide a template to standardize e-portfolios?
Can a rubric be developed to score all e- portfolio formats and subject areas? Can e-portfolio’s be consistently scored and evaluated? Who will score e-portfolio’s? Will all e-portfolio’s be scored or simply a subset? Will all e-portfolio’s be scored or only the cover letter? How will missing general education components be handled (i.e. ethical awareness) Will scores/feedback be provided to students?
What data will be tracked and reported? Where will data be reported?
In spring 2013 MCC changed to an e-portfolio graduation requirement for AA, AS, and related graduates.
Beginning with students who enter MCC in fall 2014: “Students seeking a degree of AA, AS, AES, AFA or AGE will be required to complete an E-portfolio of work demonstrating their achievements in the five general education goals of the college”
In addition, in summer 2013 MCC switched from Angel to Canvas for its LMS. One feature of Canvas is the e-portfolio system. This will be used for the graduation e- portfolio.
Before we ask students to make their own E-portfolios, we have to train faculty and staff. Faculty training at professional development training days, and in small workshops during the semester.
Canvas “Graduation E-portfolio” page for all students and faculty. Embedded video instructions Text instructions Planned workshops Faculty-led practice
The MCC Assessment Team, which comprises faculty, staff, and administration members, will develop a rubric to evaluate the student work
GoalArtifactExceedsCompetentAproachingMarginalNo Artifact Critical Thinking Information Literacy Effective Communication Ethical Awareness Technological Literacy
Definitions: Exceeds: The artifact demonstrates knowledge or skills beyond the expectations of a two year degree seeking student. Competent: The artifact demonstrates knowledge or skills at the expected level of a two year degree seeking student Approaching: The artifact demonstrates knowledge or skills below the expectations of a two year degree seeking student but shows some features near competent level. Marginal: The artifact demonstrates knowledge or skills below the expectations of a two year degree seeking student
Students must fill out an intent to graduate form. Students have to send the link of their e- portfolio to both the credentials evaluators and the Assessment Team
Students will have graded work to represent their outcomes in each of the five general education goals: Critical Thinking Effective Communication Ethical Awareness Technological Literacy Information Literacy In addition, they will write a cover letter.
Data will be collected and presented to the college, beginning spring Transformations from the data will be developed by departments.
Student cooperation with data collection. Accuracy of data collected. Ability to generate meaningful transformations. Influence on student graduation rates. Transfer students and reverse-transfer graduates.