PBL: Night at the Museum Created by:
Click on link to chose your Historical Event: Choosing your Historical Event
Completing the PBL After you have been assigned your Historical Event and group: 1.Assign jobs and share ELAPBL_Plan_yournamehere 2.You will be researching and creating artifacts to create a museum exhibit to display by using a trifold board/digital platform/or whatever works best for you. 3.Your group will present your board to the class. Each group member will speak about their own artifacts-making sure to explain to the class how that artifact represents something important about your historical event.
Research to find the answers to the questions on Slides Possible resources: ● History Alive Chapter 20 (Blue book) ● Social Studies Textbook Ch (Red book) ● Leveled Texts for Social Studies: The 20th Century (paper copies) ● USA Studies Weekly Weeks (Newspapers) ● Online resources for Images ONLY
Grades ● Biography-FORMATIVE for important people during the historical event ● Research Note Taking-FORMATIVE ● Collaboration-FORMATIVE-based on how well you work within your group and complete assigned jobs ● Individual Artifacts-FORMATIVE ● Presentation-FORMATIVE ● Board/Digital platform-SUMMATIVE on overall board: artifacts, bibliography, artifact cards, etc. DUE DATES TBD
(Historical Event Title)
Who are the key people related to this event?
Where did the event take place? (Geography)
What are the economic advantages/repercussions of this event?
What key legislation came out of the event (amendments, court cases)?
What caused this event?
What effect did this event have?
What innovations or inventions resulted from this event?
What modern day connections or examples can you cite from this event?
Possible artifacts for the board: ● Timeline of main events ● Biographies of important people ● Newspaper articles (written by the students) covering the events ● Model of an important innovation or invention ● Maps, graphs, charts ● Pictures with captions ● Political cartoon ● Multi-flow map to show cause and effect ● Student dressed as key person ● Telegami, Voki, or Chatterpix to take on persona as person from event or explain events ● Facebook or Instagram page for event or person ● Prezi or animoto ● Smore flyer
Artifacts Expectations ● Each group member must complete artifacts for the board ● Each artifact must be different--no duplicating artifacts within a group ● Information in each artifact should be specific to that artifact. You may NOT use the same information over and over again. ● Artifacts must be authentic to the time period intended, credible with accurate facts. ● Check mechanics and grammar--no errors should be present in final product. ● Each artifact will need bibliographic information for your inspiration. ● Placards are required to give a description of the artifact.