By: Shorena Dolaberidze and Gulshan Huseynli DROPOUT PROBLEM AT TECHNICAL LYCEUM
The problem of drop out in a public school in a developing country A set of interventions implemented in various schools to reduce drop out THIS POWER POINT WILL EXAMINE
Early dropouts are a widespread phenomenon in developing countries, Technical Lyceum is not an exception Data analysis of latest five years shows the significant increase in drop out Between the years 2008 and 2012 the number of drop outs reached from 1 to 4 out of ten students The majority of drop outs occurs in High school WHAT MADE US TO RESEARCH THIS PROBLEM
What kind of preventing drop out strategies are available? What strategies could be used in Technical Lyceum to reduce the number of drop outs in school? TWO QUESTIONS TO GUIDE THE TEAMS ACTION
The principal of Tech Lyceum created a committee to do research to address the questions Interviewed at risk students to get more information about their drop-out reasons and school’s role in dropout prevention They studied three peer – reviewed articles from primary sources ACTIONS TAKEN
The team researched 3 peer reviewed primary source article that met the following criteria: -Address drop out problem in schools -Sample included rural area, developing country and general interventions ? ACTION FOR QUESTI ON 1
Workshop with teachers Informative letters to parents School meeting ( talking with parents) Modifications of the school environment Telephone helpline, connecting the school to the parents Implementation of the program “Advantages of Staying at School” WHAT DID THE ARTICLES TELL TO ANSWER THE FIRST QUESTION
Development of Alternative school setting (Students and Teachers equally contribute) Tutoring Personal Development Summer Enrichment Parental Involvement WHAT DID THE ARTICLES TELL TO ANSWER THE FIRST QUESTION ( CONTINUED )
Focus Groups with teachers, students and parents to explore the most appropriate preventive actions for Tech Lyceum target group. Work Group was created. Experimental classes were defined. Time of the experiment was allocated. Measurement tools were identified WHAT DID SCHOOL PRINCIPAL DO:
Alternative Learning Programs Telephone Helpline – trained staff member Personal Developments to enhance self- efficiency, self esteem, knowledge of career and motivation. ( awareness raising) Monthly School meetings with parents of at- risk students Trainings with teachers FOCUS GROUPS SUGGESTED
Team designed action plan including time frame The executive summary will be the main source of information to share the details of further interventions. An executive summary will be given to the superintendent and school board. The short summary will be provided to teachers and parents upon request DECISION FOLLOW UP
Semester based Monitoring will be implemented via surveys Monitoring of attendance data Referrals of behavioral issues Achievement progress monitoring Interview at risk students periodically to get their ideas and feelings about the preventions Observe teachers classes who work with at risk students MEASUREMENT
Thanks for attention QUESTIONS ??????