Website e-portfolio
What is an e-portfolio? An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression, and, if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time. Some e-portfolio applications permit varying degrees of audience access, so the same portfolio might be used for multiple purposes.
Directions Getting Google Account If you don't have a personal Google account or a Google Apps account through your school district, please follow these steps to create your account: 1) Go to 2) Click on "sign in" in the upper right corner of the window 3) Below the sign in boxes, click on "Create an Account Now" 4) Proceed to step through the account creation wizard.
How to create a Google site
ePortfolio - Getting Started
CriteriaUnsatisfactoryLimitedProficientExemplary Artist Statement Student had no clear understanding of what the message was in his work. Did not include reasons for doing work or description of media or techniques. Included medium and descriptions of techniques used to make the art work but was not able to describe any meaningful purpose of his work. Student made a clear connect between the artwork presented and what inspired them to create. They had an idea of what they wanted to communicate in their artwork and understood the success or lack of success in presenting his message. Statement is clear and concise and is supported with two or more valid reasons between the artwork presented and what inspired them to create. They had an idea of what they wanted to communicate in their artwork and understood the success or lack of success in presenting his message. No grammatical or spelling errors; highly polished and professional; # of works Less than the number of art works required. ( ) works X All works are presented 5 Work from class is presented plus work from other classes or personal presented. 5+ Quality of images Poor to no formatting. Art work in JPG format that are poor. Images have thumb- nails that enlarge to image Art work in JPG format that are recognizable. Images have thumb-nails that enlarge to image. Art work in JPG format that is sharp true to color. Images have thumb-nails that enlarge to image. Navigation There are significant problems with the portfolio. The navigation links are confusing, and it is difficult to locate artifacts and move to related pages or a different section. There are significant problems with pages connecting to preceding pages or the Table of Contents. Many of the external links do not connect to the appropriate website or file. The navigation links are somewhat confusing, and it is often unclear how to locate an artifact or move to related pages or a different section. Some of the pages connect to the Table of Contents, but in other places the links do not connect to preceding pages or to the Table of Contents. Some of the external links do not connect to the appropriate website or file. The navigation links generally function well, but it is not always clear how to locate an artifact or move to related pages or different section. Most of the pages connect to the Table of Contents. Most of the external links connect to the appropriate website or file. The navigation links are intuitive. The various parts of the portfolio are labeled, clearly organized and allow the reader to easily locate an artifact and move to related pages or a different section. All pages connect to the Table of Contents, and all external links connect to the appropriate website or file. layout The eportfolio is difficult to read. Color of background, fonts, and links decreases the readability of the text. Color is distracting and used inconsistently throughout. Horizontal and vertical space alignment is used inappropriately, and the content appears disorganized and cluttered. The eportfolio is often difficult to read due to inappropriate use of fonts and type size for headings, sub-headings and text or inconsistent use of font styles. Color of background, fonts, and links decreases the readability of the text, is distracting and used inconsistently in some places throughout the eportfolio. Horizontal and vertical space alignment is sometimes used inappropriately to organize content. The eportfolio is generally easy to read. Color, background, font styles, and type size for headings, sub-headings and text are generally used consistently throughout the eportfolio. Horizontal and vertical space alignment is generally used appropriately to organize content. The e-portfolio is easy to read. Color, background, font styles (italic, bold, underline) and type size for headings, sub- headings and text are used consistently and enhance the readability throughout the e-portfolio. Horizontal and vertical space alignment is used appropriately to organize content.