City Deals 7 th June 2013 Laura McGillivray & Jerry Massey Norwich City Council
“ City Deals are already playing an important role in empowering our cities and towns to innovate to drive local, private sector, growth. Now, through the second wave, we want to give even more local areas the tools and levers they need to grow local businesses.” Nick Clegg February 2013
Unleashing potential by “creating a SINGLE LOCAL GROWTH FUND allocated through a process of negotiation” to LEPs George Osborne & Vince Cable March 2013
Greater Birmingham Bristol City Region Leeds City Region Liverpool City Region Greater Manchester Newcastle City Region Nottingham City Region Sheffield City Region The Black Country Bournemouth Brighton and Hove Greater Cambridge Coventry and Warwickshire Hull and Humber Ipswich Leicester and Leicestershire Milton Keynes Greater Norwich Oxford and Central Oxfordshire Reading Plymouth Preston and Lancashire Southampton and Portsmouth Southend Stoke and Staffordshire Sunderland and the North East Swindon and Wiltshire Tees Valley 1 st wave2nd wave
Boundaries of Local Enterprise Partnerships Outside London The smallest Cumbria, 500,000 The biggest South East 4m
Greater Norwich City Deal Area
We will make Greater Norwich a dynamic international centre for business enterprise in life sciences to meet the global challenges of healthy ageing, food and energy security, sustainability and environmental change Local Infrastructure Skills Welfare & Jobs Innovation Enterprise & Business Support Homes Our big idea
Our Deal - Infrastructure A financial package that enables £250m of investment in a five year period funded by existing and new government money, borrowing at a reduced cost, debt repayment guarantees and pooled local funding A housing finance package to kick start the local housing market
Our Deal - Skills Create higher value jobs Locally led skills system with core role for employers. Includes payment by results, focus on outcomes and meeting market requirements. Incentives package to encourage employers to invest in training Youth employment guarantee based on integrated employment programmes, traineeships and apprenticeships.
Our Deal – Enterprise and Innovation Package of measures to stimulate the growth of knowledge businesses including localised business support, access to angel co-investment funds, super fast broadband voucher scheme and technology investment support Innovative use of green deal to return vacant office space (c750,000sqft) to high quality flexible and cost effective accommodation.
Our journey so far….. Political commitment, trust and common understanding across local authorities/between tiers and with the LEP Significant senior officer time commitment Engagement with Cabinet Office, DCLG and BIS Engaging and reassuring key stakeholders Keep focused on the ‘end prize’ Meeting and greeting decision makers
Next steps – agreeing the Deal Another form to be submitted Business case for asks and offers Direct link to delivery of LEP Economic Strategy Challenge by Ministerial Panel Up and running by April 2014 Twin track with local growth fund 2015/16
What does it mean for Local Governance? Must be committed to Growth Agenda Must adopt collaborative approach Where is the focus – local, County, LEP, National etc? Growing significance of LEPs and the challenge of democratic accountability