Skills and Competitiveness Board 15 th November 2010
Background The West of England submitted a proposal to form a LEP on 6th September 2010 based on the West of England: –Representing a functional economic area –Having a strong existing private-public partnership –Having a strong economy with key strengths in: Advanced engineering, silicon design and micro- electronics Aerospace, defence and composites Creative and cultural media Environmental technology and marine renewables
Current position –West of England one of 24 successful bids announced on 28 th October –One of only two in the South West –Successful proposals had: A strong level of business engagement and support A natural functional economic area A clear vision in terms of local economic priorities Clear demonstration of how the LEP will create the right environment for businesses and growth, over and above what would otherwise occur –Thank you to all those who contributed to the proposal – it was a tough deadline to meet but we did it!
Current position (2) –White Paper on Local Growth published on 28th October –This sets out Government’s general approach to LEPs –Opportunities emerging regarding: Regional Growth Fund Growth Hubs Technology and Innovation Centres
Next steps –Need to establish an Interim LEP Board as soon as possible to: Facilitate LEPs development Influence Government on LEP’s functions and capability (in response to the White Paper) Promote the new LEP to the West of England business community and nationally Manage the transition from current arrangements
Interim LEP Board –Government guidelines for LEP governance arrangements are: Half the Board representing business Half the Board representing local authorities Prominent business leader in the chair Robust and clear governance arrangements to ensure proper accountability for delivery –Propose small focussed interim board with people, place, business sub boards operating on business principals with a clear business plan.
Interim LEP Board membership –Some criteria for identifying Interim LEP Board business members could be: Business people with a national/international profile with government and business Working in key growth sectors as per bid Range of locations within West of England Ability to interact and be influential with government Ability to interact and give confidence to potential investors in the area Voices for the West of England rebalancing debate
Potential Interim Board members – Who meets these criteria in the West of England? – Sectors to nominate high profile representatives
What does this mean for the West of England Partnership? –The LEP priorities of People, Business and Place cover the majority of current West of England Partnership activity –It therefore makes sense for the LEP to replace the WEP –The Interim Board should manage this transition –It is expected that the current WEP sub-boards and committees continue, (perhaps with some refocussing to ensure alignment with LEP priorities), until the interim board establish what delivery mechanisms are required
Conclusion –Immediate next steps are: Sectors to make nominations to the Interim LEP Board Establish Interim LEP Board Continue discussions with Government about powers and resources the LEP has to achieve its objectives Identify opportunities for submissions to funding streams