Virginia Department of Education Limited English Proficient Student Assessment Participation 2011 Coordinators’ Technical Assistance Academy August 2-3,


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Presentation transcript:

Virginia Department of Education Limited English Proficient Student Assessment Participation 2011 Coordinators’ Technical Assistance Academy August 2-3, 2011

LEP Student Assessment Participation Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessment Participation Testing Accommodations for LEP Students ACCESS for ELLs ® Testing Participation Participation in Assessment Projects 2

Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessment Participation 3

SOL Assessment Participation Limited English Proficient (LEP) students participate in Standards of Learning testing, including: “Recently Arrived” students; Students in grades 3 through 8; and Students enrolled in courses with End-of-Course (EOC) assessments. 4

SOL Reading Assessment “Recently arrived” LEP students who have attended schools in the United States for less than 12 months may receive a one-time exemption for the SOL reading test in grades 3 through 8. 5

SOL Reading Assessment LEP students (who are not classified as “recently arrived”) in grades 3 through 8 must participate in the SOL reading tests; or the VGLA reading assessment, if eligible. 6

SOL Reading Assessment No exemption is available for the SOL End-of- Course (EOC) English: Reading test. 7

VGLA Reading Assessment Participation Criteria LEP students in grades 3 through 8 must be classified at the following WIDA ® overall English proficiency levels: 1.0 through 3.5 for grades 3, 4, and 5; and 1.0 through 3.3 for grades 6, 7, and 8. 8

VGLA Reading Assessment Participation Criteria LEP students may participate in the VGLA reading assessment for no more than three consecutive years. Source: Virginia Board of Education Consolidated State Application Amended Accountability Workbook, 5.4 9

VGLA Reading Assessment Participation LEP students with a disability may be eligible for the read-aloud accommodation. : Source: SUPTS MEMO NO. 235, October 27,

SOL Mathematics Assessment LEP students in grades 3 through 8 must participate in the SOL mathematics tests. LEP students enrolled in mathematics courses with End-of-Course (EOC) mathematics tests must be tested. 11

SOL Mathematics Assessment Plain English versions of the grades 3 through 8 and EOC Algebra I mathematics tests are available for LEP students who are classified at the following WIDA overall English language proficiency levels: 1.0 through 3.5 for grades 3, 4, and 5; 1.0 through 3.3 for grades 6, 7, and 8; 1.0 through 3.5 for grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 (Algebra I only); and all LEP students who have attended schools in the United States for less than 12 months. 12

SOL Mathematics Assessment LEP students may take plain English mathematics tests during a window of no more than three consecutive years. Source: Board of Education Consolidated State Application Amended Accountability Workbook,

SOL Science Assessment Under the requirements of NCLB, all students, including LEP students, are to participate in the SOL science tests once in elementary school, once at the middle level, and once at the high school level. 14

SOL Science Assessment LEP students may be exempt from the grade 3 SOL science test but must take the grade 5 SOL science test. No other exemptions are available for the SOL science tests. 15

SOL History/Social Science Assessment LEP students may receive a one-time exemption in SOL history/social science tests in grades 3 through 8. No exemption is available for the SOL EOC history/social science tests. 16

SOL Writing Assessment LEP students may receive a one-time exemption in SOL writing test in grades 5 or 8. No exemption is available for the SOL EOC English: Writing Test. 17

Standards of Accreditation (SOA) Adjustment The scores of LEP students who have been enrolled in Virginia public schools for fewer than 11 semesters will be included in school accreditation ratings only if they earn passing scores. 18

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students 19

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students Testing accommodations for the SOL assessments provide LEP students the opportunity to be assessed on content knowledge rather than English language proficiency. Students should not be provided with unnecessary or inappropriate testing accommodations. Testing accommodations should not provide an unfair advantage during testing. 20

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students Testing accommodations for the SOL assessments should be selected from those the LEP student uses routinely in classroom instruction and assessment. Not all accommodations for instruction and classroom assessments are appropriate or available on SOL tests. Source: Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia State Assessment Program, April

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students Direct Linguistic Testing Accommodations provide support by reducing linguistic demand so that content knowledge, rather than English language proficiency, is assessed and may include: Read aloud test items* Audio version of test* Bilingual dictionary Dictation in English to Scribe English dictionary “Plain English” version of mathematics tests * Not available for grades 3 through 8 reading test unless LEP student is also a student with an eligible disability. 22

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students The Read-aloud and Audio accommodations are not available to LEP students on the grades 3 through 8 SOL reading test or VGLA collection of evidence unless the LEP student has an eligible disability and the accommodation is documented in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan. 23

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students Read-Aloud or Audio Accommodation on the EOC English: Reading Test An LEP student must meet all of the following criteria: the student is retaking the EOC English: Reading test, having failed previous attempt(s) without using the read- aloud or audio accommodation; the student’s LEP Student Assessment Participation Plan lists the read-aloud or audio accommodation for other tests; and the student received the read-aloud or audio accommodation in the classroom. 24

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students Indirect Linguistic Testing Accommodations provide support by adjusting the conditions under which the assessment is administered and may include: Flexible schedule Visual aids Mark in test booklet Source: Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia State Assessment Program, April

A formerly LEP student has met all of the following exit criteria: Tested on Tier C of ACCESS for ELLs ® Earned a Composite Score of 5.0 or above on Tier C Earned a Literacy Score of 5.0 or above on Tier C Defining Formerly LEP Students 26

A formerly LEP student is no longer eligible for testing accommodations available to LEP students. Testing Accommodations for Formerly LEP Students 27

However, a formerly LEP student with a disability may receive testing accommodations based upon his or her current IEP or 504 plan. Testing Accommodations for Formerly LEP Students 28

Testing Accommodations for LEP Students Information is available in: LEP Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program Appendix D in SOL Test Examiner’s Manuals 29

Developed in collaboration with the George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education (GW-CEEE) Presented four webinars in fall participants 23 school divisions Presented follow-up webinar and online data collection survey in spring 2011 Limited English Proficiency Testing Accommodations Training 30

Online Data Collection Survey Spring 2011 Available to participants of the fall 2010 training Collected information on how accommodations were assigned for SOL assessments to one LEP student at proficiency level 1.0 through 2.9 and one LEP student at proficiency level 3.0 through 5.0 Data will be provided to GW-CEEE for analysis 31 Limited English Proficiency Testing Accommodations Training

Four one-day trainings planned for fall 2011 September 19 in Newport News City September 20 in Richmond City September 22 in Roanoke City September 23 in Harrisonburg City Four webinars planned for fall 2011 Dates to be announced Limited English Proficiency Testing Accommodations Training 32

ACCESS for ELLs ® Testing Participation 33

Assessing Comprehension and Communication State-to-State in English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs ® ) Developed by the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA ® ) Consortium The state-approved English language proficiency assessment 34 ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 34

ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 35 All Limited English Proficient (LEP) students at English Language Proficiency (ELP) levels 1 though 5 participate in ACCESS for ELLs testing. Formerly LEP students do not participate in ACCESS for ELLs testing.

Testing Window 1 Spring 2012 January 13 to March 9, 2012 Online data validation available April 30 to May 11, 2012 Score reports delivered by May 25, 2012 ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 36

Testing Window 2 Spring 2012 March 12 to May 4, 2012 Online data validation available June 25 to July 6, 2012 Score reports delivered by July 20, 2012 ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 37

Test forms are available based on grade cluster and tier. Kindergarten one test form Grade clusters 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 three test forms, Tiers A, B, and C ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 38

ACCESS for ELLs ® test items are presented in three tiers: ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 39

Tier A Tier A Placement Criteria For LEP students who have arrived in the U. S. or entered (enrolled) school in the U. S. within this academic school year without previous instruction in English; currently receive literacy instruction only in their native language; or have recently tested at the lowest level of English language proficiency. ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 40

Tier B Tier B Placement Criteria For LEP students who have social language proficiency and some, but not extensive, academic language proficiency in English; or have acquired some literacy in English, but have not yet reached grade-level literacy. ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 41

Tier C Tier C Placement Criteria For LEP students who are approaching grade level literacy and academic language proficiency in the core content areas; or will likely meet the state's exit criteria for support services by the end of the academic year. ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 42

Available on the WIDA Web site ACCESS for ELLs Sample items, grades 1-12 ACCESS for ELLs Interpretive Guide for Score Reports 2011 Guidelines for Accommodating English Language Learners with Disabilities ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 43

Test Examiner Training Online training is available on the WIDA Web site. Requires training account username and password to be created by Division Director of Testing (DDOT) for test examiners Test administration manual Test accommodations ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 44

Test Examiner Training, cont’d. Online training is available on the WIDA Web site. Group test module Speaking test module Kindergarten test module W-APT webinars Quizzes for certification ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 45

W-APT ™ Placement Test Available online Free of charge Username and password required (contact DDOT) Calculates a grade-level composite proficiency level ACCESS for ELLs Test Administration 46

Participation in Assessment Projects 47

ACCESS for ELLs ® WIDA Item Writing Course (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) Review of test accommodations (2010) Post field test review (2010) Metritech, Inc.--ACCESS for ELLs quality control meeting (2010 and 2011) Writing and listening field testing (2010, 2011) ACCESS for ELLs Center for Applied Linguistics quality control meeting (2011) Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs survey (2009) Virginia’s Participation in WIDA ® Assessment Projects 48

Alternate ACCESS for ELLs ™ An alternate English language proficiency assessment for LEP students with significant cognitive disabilities Item development committee meetings (2009) Pilot testing (2009, 2010) Field testing (2010) Alternate ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate Model Performance Indicators (AMPIs) alignment study (2011) Virginia’s Participation in Enhanced Assessment Grant Projects 49

MODEL Measure of Developing English Language A screening or benchmark assessment available for kindergarten and grade clusters 1-2, 3-4, 6-8, and Cognitive labs (2009) Virginia’s Participation in Enhanced Assessment Grant Projects 50

ONPAR ™ Obtaining Necessary Parity through Academic Rigor Mathematics pilot testing in grades 5 and 8 (2010) Virginia’s Participation in Enhanced Assessment Grant Projects 51

REAL Science Assessing REAL Science on a Large-Scale Assessment: The Promise of Computer-Interactive Items for High School Students with Language Challenges, focuses on the development of innovative test items administered online in the content areas of biology and chemistry. A goal of the grant is to develop test items that will better measure complex science knowledge and skills of all high school students but especially those with language challenges such as students with learning disabilities in reading, limited English proficiency, or hearing impairments. Virginia’s Participation in Enhanced Assessment Grant Projects 52

REAL Science High School Science cognitive labs in biology and chemistry (2011) High School Science item review meetings (2010, 2011) Pilot in biology and chemistry scheduled for January and February 2012 Virginia’s Participation in Enhanced Assessment Grant Projects 53

Questions? 54

Robert Fugate LEP Assessment Specialist Virginia Department of Education (804) Contact Information 55