Teaching LEP Students Sarah Brackenhoff November 11, 2014
Objectives Today, you will be able to understand what a LEP student looks like, signs to watch for in the classroom, and learn techniques to better teach them.
Terms: LEP – L imited E nglish P roficiency ESL – E nglish as a S econd L anguage TESOL – T eaching E nglish to S peakers of O ther L anguages (Teaching)
Characteristics of LEP Students
AGE (Sulzberger)
Enrollment (Sulzberger)
PLACES (Sulzberger)
Example Maria: Is a 2 nd grader in your classroom Was born in the USA Parents came from Costa Rica and only speak Spanish in the home Can speak English with classmates, but struggles in school Would She qualify as an LEP student?
What to Watch for in the Classroom
SILENT TIME (Sulzberger)
TRANSLATION “es mas guapa” “is more prettier” (Sulzberger)
What normally happens when a younger LEP student is introduced into the classroom?
What is the difference between conversational and academic language?
Things to Consider
> 12 (Teaching)
Teaching LEP Students in a Normal Classroom
Different Ways of Teaching
VISUAL AIDS HANDS ON (Short, Teaching)
Other Ways to Help Verbally state objectives Model correct English Outline lecture Give extra time Create routines Have bilingual dictionary Write legibly (Short, Teaching)
What is the most efficient way for a teacher to explain information to all students?
What are some specific ways for LEP students?
Example You are informed you are adding a student, Diana, to your classroom who is from Congo and does not speak much English
Activity Everyculture.com Question : How could we as teachers use this information to help educate ourselves and our classrooms? (Nwosu)
References Nwosu, C., Batalova, J., & Auclair, G. (2014, April 28). Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States. Retrieved October 14, Short, D. (1991). Integrating Language and Content Instruction: Strategies and Techniques. Retrieved October 3, Teaching Limited English Proficiency Students. (2005, March 1). Retrieved September 15, Sulzberger, L. A. (2013, June). W&M School of Education - Accessing the English Language: Limited English Proficient Students and Learning Disabilities. Retrieved September 23, 2014.