New Title III Director’s Meeting September 10, 2010 Presented by Mami Itamochi Title III Coordinator
Agenda Demographic Background Resources – Website – Toolkit – ESL Best Practices for LEP students Major Requirements Funding (state and federal) – Title III Five-Year Strategic Plan Title III Monitoring
Changes in West Virginia $2.2 billion in foreign trade with countries such as Brazil, China, Italy Japan 100 international companies created 30,000 jobs 2000 limited English proficient (LEP) students from 60+ languages 4.7% African American (state avg) 3.3% and 3.8% Hispanic students Eastern panhandle (Berkeley and Jefferson counties)
Did You Know... The number of students in West Virginia schools who spoke a language other than English 1999 = = 3371
Did You Know... West Virginia schools currently teach students that speak Korean…Laotian … Navajo…Polish…Portuguese…Russian… Spanish…Tagalog…Thai…Vietnamese… Arabic…Cambodian …Chinese Mandarin …Cantonese…Creole…French…German… Hindi …Hmong…Italian… Japanese and more than 60 languages other than English
Title III Resources Transact Toolkit kit.html kit.html
1/14/00 Title III Program Requirements Identification/Screening Parent Notification Professional Development/Parent involvement Assessment Private Schools
Identification/Screening Policy § Regulations Each county shall identify LEP students within 30 days of enrollment based on criteria established by the WVDE and available through the Office of English as a Second Language (ESL)/West Virginia International Schools.
Identification/Screening Home Language Survey (Enrollment Form) Screening – Woodcock Munoz Language Survey (Riverside Publishing) Proficiency Level – Fully Proficient in English (Level 5) – Limited English Proficient (Level 1-4) ESL services (Toolkit Page 11, 12) WVEIS Data Entry IdentifiyingBilingualSTudentsonWVEISforWeb b.xls IdentifiyingBilingualSTudentsonWVEISforWeb b.xls
Parent Notification Within 30 days of the students enrollment, the ESL teacher will notify the parent in writing of the student’s eligibility to Participate ESL services (Toolkit 11-13) ents/ParentnotificationSAMPLEFORM _002.doc ents/ParentnotificationSAMPLEFORM _002.doc – Type of ESL service – Amount of ESL service – Graduation date (high school) – Parent consent
Professional Development/Parent involvement PD – School administrator/Principals – Content (classroom) Teachers (Toolkit Secondary page 9) – E-Learning Course Parent Involvement – Resource - If Your Child Speaks Two Languages y.html y.html – Parent outreach programs – News letters
Assessment - WESTELL Policy All public school students identified as LEP shall participate in the West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress (WVMAP), as determined by the LEP Committee. Using the LEP Assessment Participation Form, the committee will annually determine the appropriate accommodations. nt.html
Assessment - WESTELL What is the WESTELL? Who will be participating in the WESTELL? Why are we administering the WESTELL and what are its benefits? Why do students have to take the WESTEST and WESTELL? Isn’t that double testing?
Private Schools Private School students need to be a part of county LEP student count (WVEIS) Resource documents for identifying private school students : – /IDENTIFYINGLEPSTUDENTSinPrivateSchools ONWVEISforWeb doc /IDENTIFYINGLEPSTUDENTSinPrivateSchools ONWVEISforWeb doc – /TitleIIIPrivateSchoolParticipation.pptx /TitleIIIPrivateSchoolParticipation.pptx
Student arrives and completes enrollment form Indicates English Language Indicates language other than English Follows standard enrollment procedures School notifies county Title III Director Trained staff screens students to determine eligibility for ESL services Screening results show student is limited proficient in English Notifies parents of student’s eligibility Student receives no services Screening results show student is proficient in English The LEP committee convenes to determine services/assessment If parent denies permission for student to receive ESL classes, he/she must sign a Parent Waiver Form Student receives ESL services until obtaining required proficiency to exit The classroom teacher uses sheltered instruction to modify classroom instructions The exited LEP student will be monitored for one year Toolkit page 4 (both elementary & secondary)
Title III Five-Year Strategic Plan ants.html ants.html – Guideline – Sample Action Steps s/SampleActionSteps_002.doc s/SampleActionSteps_002.doc – Grant Allocation s/2010TitleIIIGrantAllocationsRevised.pdf s/2010TitleIIIGrantAllocationsRevised.pdf – Consortium – Deadline for the application – 9/30/2010
Fiscal Issues Approved Title III budgets should match the county expenditures (purchase orders, contracts etc.) Title III Indirect Costs – may not exceed 2% Be conscious of appropriate expenditures (refer sample Action Steps)
Monitoring Schedule DATEDISTRICTDATEDISTRICT September 2010December 2010 September 13-17Marion CountyDecember 1-2Hampshire County September 21-23Jefferson CountyDecember 6-10Boone County September 27-30Webster CountyDecember 13-15Tyler County September 30Logan CountyJanuary 2011 October 2010January 10-14Richie County October 7-8Wirt CountyFebruary 2011 October 12-15Monongalia County October 18-20Hardy CountyMarch 2011 October 25-28Marshall CountyMarch 14-18Fayette County November 2010March 21-23Roane County November 3-5Lincoln CountyMarch 28-31Grant County November 8-10Wetzel CountyApril 2011 November 15-17Pleasants CountyApril 4-8McDowell County November 29-Dec. 2Hampshire CountyApril 7-8Mason County April 12-13Preston County
Findings & Recommendations Parental Notification – Within 30 day timeline (14 days for mid-year enrollment) – Including all components required by law 14.2 Increased Achievement (school visits) – Providing high quality programs (amount services) – Linked to ELP/CSO standards – Program Coordination – Grade Placement – Special Education
Summary of Best Practices School administrators are aware of/attentive to LEP students’ needs LEP students are specifically scheduled into classes that are co-taught and/or led by experienced teachers Students are served in designated instructional spaces Students services are effectively coordinated (ESL, RTI, Special needs, Gifted etc.) Teachers often communicate with parents and they are provided varied opportunities to be involved in their child’s education
Thank you for your support! Questions/Comments? Please contact Mami Itamochi or (304)