Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb Artur Ukleja (The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Warsaw) on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration XIV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy München, June 2011
Outlook A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20112 Motivation Inclusive cross-section to produce b-flavoured hadrons (two measurements): semileptonic: inclusive J/ ( ): also measured open charm cross-section ≈ 20 times higher than b cross-section Fragmentation fractions: f s / (f u +f d ) using semileptonic modes: f b / (f u +f d ) using semileptonic modes: f s / f d using hadronic modes: Summary
Motivation A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20113 Knowledge of b-yield is critical in ascertaining sensitivity of experiments in B flavour sector (searching of new sources of CPV) b-flavour hadrons cross-section can be compared to QCD predictions also needed to estimate sensitivity to NP in B decays Fragmentation fractions f s / f d input to inclusive b cross-section measurement f s needed for all B 0 s branching ratios measurement In particular for precise measurements Fragmentation fraction f b : CDF’s value is substantially larger then LEP’s explained by CDF: it’s because of difference of
b or anti-b hadrons cross-section: using b→D 0 X A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20114 D 0 →K + D from b (Signal) Prompt D (Back- ground) Background >> Signal D from b: large IP (the smallest distance between D reconstr. trajectory and PV) Prompt D and Dfb components can be separated using IP with respect to the closest PV Prompt D 3 nb -1 IP of D 0 NO requirement PV Prompt D: IP ≈ 0 D from b: IP > 0
b or anti-b hadrons cross-section: using b→D 0 X A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20115 Now: Background (solid) << Signal (dashed) D0→K+D0→K+ RS WS To select decay chain we match D 0 candidates with tracks identified as muons: RS combinations: sign of charge the same as K in D decay WS combinations: opposite signs of charges of K and IP of D 0 ; Now required 12 nb -1 Prompt D (Background) Prompt D (Background) D from b (Signal) sidebands As expected: prompt yields are consistent between RS and WS
Tracking efficiency10 % Luminosity10 % 5 % b or anti-b hadrons cross-section: using b→D 0 X A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20116 D 0 →K + (MCFM) Dominant systematics: [Phys.Lett.B694,209 (2010)] Summing over (2< <6) [using LEP frag. fractions]: (pp→H b X) = (75.3 ± 5.4 ± 13.0) b (stat) (syst) consistent with predictions The measured value changes if the b-hadron fractions differ If Tevatron frag. fractions are used: (pp→H b X) = (89.6 ± 6.4 ± 15.5) b Total b anti-b cross-sections (extrapolate using Pythia): (pp→H b X) = (284 ± 20 ± 49) b Using Tevatron frag. fractions result increases by 19%
b or anti-b hadrons cross-section: using b→J/ X A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20117 Pseudo lifetime used to separate prompt and J/ from b: J/ → + PV b Prompt J/ : t z ≈ 0 J/ from b: t z > 0 J/ from b:
b or anti-b hadrons cross-section: using b→J/ X A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20118 J/ → + Tracking efficiency 8 % Luminosity10 % BR(b→J/ X) 9 % Dominant systematics: [Submitted to Eur.Phys.J C: hep-ex/ ] Measured cross-sections depend on y and p T Total – extrapolate using Pythia (using LEP frag. frac.): (pp→H b X) = (288 ± 4 stat ± 48 syst ) b (2% change when using Tevatron fractions is included in systematic error) Good agreement among both measurements from : (pp→H b X) = (284 ± 20 ± 49) b Good agreement with QCD predictions
Fragmentation fractions A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/20119 Input to inclusive b cross-section measurement f s needed for all B 0 s branching ratios measurement in particular for precise measurements Two methods: 1)semileptonic modes: 1)hadronic modes: Probability of b quark hadronizing with an antiquark (anti-d,u,s) or a di-quark pair (ud)
Ratio of fragmentation fractions f s / (f u +f d ) A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ semileptonic modes n corr – efficiency, branching fractions and cross-feed corrected yields Cross-feed between channels is taken into account (C.Weiser, DELPHI TALK 6, 1999)
Semileptonic modes A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/201111
Ratio of fragmentation fractions f s / (f u +f d ) A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ semileptonic modes LEP: ± CDF: ± No evidence for dependence on or p T (charm+ ) Good agreement with LEP and Tevatron values p T (charm+ ) [GeV] LHCb: 3 pb -1 f s / (f u +f d ) [2,3] [3,5] Branching fractions of charm hadrons ±5.5 % Subtraction of B s →D 0 KX background +4.1 % 1.1 % Dominant systematics:
Ratio of fragmentation fractions f b / (f u +f d ) A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ p T (charm+ ) [GeV] LHCb: 3 pb -1 f b / (f u +f d ) [2,3] [3,5] Systematic error dominates 26% uncertainty on BR( c →p ) Slope with p T not consistent with zero Parameterising with straight line gives (for p T < 14 GeV): semileptonic modes
Ratio of fragmentation fractions f s / f d A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ hadronic modes The ratio: B 0 s →D s + / B 0 d →D K + only tree diagrams are involved theoretically well understood, branching ratios calculable suffers from reconstructed yield of B 0 d →D K + ε X – total detector efficiency N X – observed number of decays N a =1.00±0.02 – non factorizable U-spin breaking effects N F =1.24±0.08 – ratio of form factors KK DD B0dB0d B0sB0s DsDs ++ World average for B 0 s -to-B 0 d lifetime ratio: (R.Fleisher, N.Serra, N.Tuning, Phys.Rev.D83:014017,2011)
Ratio of fragmentation fractions f s / f d A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ hadronic modes The ratio: B 0 s →D s + / B 0 d →D + suffers from theoretical uncertainties due to contribution from W exchange diagram DD B0dB0d B0sB0s DsDs ++ ε X – total detector efficiency N X – observed number of decays N a =1.00±0.02 – non factorizable U-spin breaking effects N F =1.24±0.08 – ratio of form factors N E =0.966±0.075 – additional correction term for the W exchange in B 0 d →D + decay W
Ratio of fragmentation fractions f s / f d A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ hadronic modes Modes topologically identical and using identical selection criteria to minimizing efficiency differences between modes From B 0 s →D s + and B 0 d →D K + : f s / f d = ± stat ± syst ± theor From B 0 s →D s + and B 0 d →D + : f s / f d = ± stat ± syst ± theor Combined: f s / f d = ± stat ± syst ± theor Theoretical uncertainty dominated by uncertainty on form factor ratio Agrees well with semileptonic result and LEP and Tevatron Extra result: extract world best BR(B 0 d →D K + )=(2.02 ± 0.17 ± 0.12) × LHCb 35 pb -1 (LHCb-CONF )
Summary A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ LHCb has measured the b or anti-b hadrons cross-section in √s=7 TeV pp collisions (total): in agreement with (and more precise than) QCD predictions measured open charm cross-section (≈20 times higher) LHCb has measured the ratios of fragmentation fractions f s / f d in good agreement with LEP and Tevatron f b / (f u +f d ) partially for different p T (p T <14GeV) than Tevatron ( 〈 p T 〉 ≈14GeV), in common region of p T good agreement
A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ Backup
D 0 cross section – example A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ Also measured for: D +, D* +, D + s The shape and absolute normalization are in good agreement with theoretical predictions 20 times higher than (b anti-b) Combining all (p T <8 GeV, 2<y<4.5): Full p T and y using Pythia extrapolation: LHCb: 2 nb -1 (LHCb-CONF )
A.Ukleja Studies of open heavy flavour production at LHCb16/06/ (C.Weiser, DELPHI TALK 6, 1999)
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