Presentation Topics Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA) Update Virginia Modified Achievement Standards Test (VMAST) Update Questions and Answers NOTE: References to the Implementation Manuals will be used throughout this presentation.
An evidence-based alternative assessment for the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests Available to eligible students with disabilities in grades 3- 8 in Science, Writing, and History/Social Science Reading and Mathematics are no longer available to students with disabilities Available to eligible Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in grades 3-8 in Reading only 2012 – 2013 VGLA Implementation Manual –p. vii
Students with Disabilities Eligibility determined by IEP Team/ 504 Committee and documented in the IEP or 504 plan. IEP Team/504 Committee must examine how the student accesses instruction and demonstrates knowledge in the course considered. Eligibility determinations must be made on an individual and course-by-course basis – 2013 VGLA Implementation Manual –p. 1
Students with Disabilities Eligibility must be based on Participation Criteria qualifying questions, supporting documentation, and justification statement. Participation Criteria forms and additional information are provided in the Procedures for Participation of Students with Disabilities in Virginia’s Accountability System available at – 2013 VGLA Implementation Manual –p. 1
Students with Disabilities VGLA participation is made by grade level and courses Grade 3 – Science and History/Social Science Grade 5 – Writing and Science Grade 8 – Writing and Science VGLA Content Specific History (Virginia Studies, United States History I, United States History II, and Civics & Economics) must be available to students with disabilities at the same grade levels as their non-disabled peers VGLA Implementation Manual – p. 1
LEP Students Eligibility for VGLA Reading must be determined by the LEP team and documented in the student’s LEP plan. Eligibility decisions are based on: WIDA ACCESS for ELLs Composite Score WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test (W-APT) or WIDA Measurement of Developing English Language (Model) Assessment Additional information is available in Limited English Proficient Students: Guidelines for Participation in the Virginia Assessment Program available at VGLA Implementation Manual – p. 1
LEP Students with Disabilities Referred to as “dually identified” students Assessment participation determinations are based on the student’s LEP status. For additional information refer to Testing Memo No. 875, December 13, 2010 available from the Division Director of Testing (DDOT) VGLA Implementation Manual – p. 1
New Reading, Writing, and Science SOL All VGLA participants must demonstrate individual achievement of the grade level content standards in the SOL blueprint for the course in which they are assessed. VGLA participants in yearlong courses or on A/B block and 2 nd semester schedules must submit Collection of Evidence (COE) based on the new 2010 Reading, Writing and Science SOL. Students on 1 st semester block schedules (courses started and completed in Fall 2012) must submit COE based on the 2002 Reading, Writing and Science SOL VGLA Implementation Manual – p. 5
Important Reminders Anecdotal records and captioned photographs are not allowed as VGLA evidence. VGLA evidence must be collected under “ Testing Conditions” in which the student does not have access to materials or resources that would provide an unfair advantage. Multiple attempts to complete the same work sample are not allowed. COEs should be monitored during development and pre- scored prior to scoring VGLA Implementation Manual – p. ix
Due Dates October 26, 2012Preliminary VGLA and VAAP counts placed in School Space Dropbox January 18, 2013VGLA and VAAP student registration entered into Pearson April 22-26, 2013VAAPs sent to HCPS on regular delivery date (to Pearson by May 2, 2013) April 29- May 3, 2013VGLAs sent to HCPS for scoring workshop May 7-10, 2013.
VMAST An online alternate assessment for the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests Research-based supports and simplifications are applied to existing online SOL items Available to eligible students with disabilities for grades 3-8 Mathematics and Reading as well as for Algebra I and End-Of-Course Reading
Typical VMAST Students Students may exhibit some or all of the learner characteristics below: Works at a slower pace Has deficits in factual knowledge Has difficulties engaging with materials Benefits from differentiated instruction and additional instructional time Requires high level of support May have below grade level reading ability May have retention or memory deficits
Eligibility Process Eligibility determination must be made by the IEP team and documented in the student’s IEP. Students identified under Section 504 are not allowed to participate. Mathematics and Reading eligibility must be determined separately.
VMAST Supports and Simplifications Highlight, color code or box important information Provide strategies – reminders, hints, formulas Provide interactive tools Add/alter graphics Present items near relevant sections of short reading passages
VMAST Supports and Simplifications Reduce answer options from 4 to 3 Simpler structure or vocabulary Add precise language for clarification Reduce number of variables or simplify digits in mathematics problems
Eligibility Process IEP team must consider: the student’s disability impact of the disability on classroom performance, need for significant instructional support to access grade level SOL and show progress need for assessment supports to demonstrate knowledge, and expectation regarding the achievement of grade level proficiency within the year. Participation Criteria forms and additional information are provided in the Procedures for Participation of Students with Disabilities in Virginia’s Accountability System available at
VMAST Scores Supt. Memo# (Feb. 18, 2011) Passing VMAST Algebra I and End-of-course Reading scores may be used for verified credit required for the standard or advanced studies diploma or to fulfill the numeracy and literacy requirements of the Modified Standard Diploma. Passing VMAST grade 8 Mathematics and grade 8 Reading scores may be used to fulfill the numeracy and literacy requirements of the Modified Standard Diploma.
Future VMAST Use VMAST Mathematics and Reading will continue to be available in and No longer available as a separate alternate assessment after in compliance with Virginia’s ESEA Waiver Request approved by the United States Department of Education on June 29, VDOE is exploring the possibility of including the VMAST supports and simplifications in the SOL tests in the future.
Important Reminders Students participating in VMAST should become familiar with the supports and simplifications used by using the Practice Guides and Items that are available on the VDOE web site. A federally cap of 2% is imposed on the number of VMAST passing scores that can be used in federal accountability.