Rochester Public Schools Data and Continuous Improvement Report Rochester Area Math and Science Partnership February 20, 2013
Strategic Planning: Draft Mission Our mission is to inspire, challenge, and empower all students with the knowledge and skills required to reach their full potential, to contribute to future generations, and to become involved members of a global community.
Draft Strategic Objectives By 2017, all students will: 1.Demonstrate and promote cultural understanding of self and others to become involved members of a global community 2.Identify, develop and apply their personal talents to contribute positively to future generations 3.Create and pursue their individual evolving roadmaps that empower them to reach their full potential.
Mathematics Proficiency (MCA) ** Results are as released by MDE. RPS mathematics proficiency rates compared to MN are higher in most categories
High Level Mathematics 352 students currently enrolled in AP math courses (AP Calc AB, AP Calc BC, AP Stats)
AP Math Test Trend School Century John Marshall Mayo Totals
RPS science proficiency rates compared to MN are higher in most categories Science Proficiency (MCA)
High Level Science 403 students currently enrolled in AP science courses (AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics)
AP Science Test Trend School Century John Marshall Mayo Totals
Certified Nursing Asst
Benchmarking In a comparison of 8 similar school districts (i.e. based on LEP, Special Education, FRPL, and Minority demographics), Rochester Public Schools ranked 1 st in both Math and Science in two of the last four years (2009 and 2010).
Benchmark Results Science ** Results are as released by MDE.
Benchmark Results Mathematics ** Results are as released by MDE.
Use of Technology We currently have 9 elementary and 10 secondary classrooms using 1:1 iPads We currently have 114 active blended courses and 2 wholly online courses. –Average enrollment per course is around 75 students. –Total number of students enrolled in blended / online courses is about –About 100 teachers have an active blended course.
Analysis of Current Situation Needed to move to clear data teams model for PLCs Need more frequent common assessments Needed stronger instructional support Needed to move from Core and Intervention to Tiered Instruction Needed stronger focus on standards Needed easier way for teachers to create blended classrooms (not BlackBoard) Move from “Fidelity to the Curriculum” to “Fidelity to the Student and Fidelity to the Standards: Have a strong partnership with RCTC Have a strong Medical Careers program at HSCC
Actions Taken Replaced Stanford/Olsat with NWEA MAP (K- 8 Math; 3-8 Science) Math curriculum committee working to align curriculum and assessments to standards Science curriculum alignment to literacy standards Added instructional coaches to 6 elementary schools Provided instructional coaching training to principals and district instructional staff Providing Data Teams training for all sites
More Actions Taken Added AP Calc BC, PLTW GTT Design & Modeling, PLTW Civil Engineering & Architecture, PLTW Biomedical, Math for College (concurrent enrollment) Hired a STEM Coordinator 1:1 iPad pilots at Longfellow, Willow Creek, Gage Implementing Tiered Instruction (incl. lunch buddies at HS) Increased # of schools to 5 participating in Action 100 Reading
Mathematics NWEA Fall 2012 Average ScoreWinter Average ScoreGrowthPercent Meeting Growth Projection Grade Kindergarten % % % % % % % % % Science-General Science NWEA Fall 2012 Average ScoreWinter Average ScoreGrowthPercent Meeting Growth Projection Grade % % % % % % Science -Concepts and Processes NWEA Fall 2012 Average ScoreWinter Average ScoreGrowthPercent Meeting Growth Projection Grade % % % % % %
Asian61% Hispanic57% Black55% White63%
Asian58% Hispanic56% Black55% White56%
Asian58% Hispanic59% Black53% White58%
Future Actions Designing programming for CTECH (to open Fall 2015); expanding our program articulations Adding PLTW Human Body Systems: PLTW GTT Automation & Robotics; Multivariable Calc (concurrent enrollment); AP Environmental Science; AP Computer Science A Adding more coaches Expanding the use of our planetarium with new digital software Offering CLEP tests as an option for Credit by Assessment Working on transitioning to standards-based grading
Lead Indicators to be Used to Monitor Results NWEA MAP MCA Measurement team indicators for Strategic Goals AP participation and test data
Lessons Learned The data teams process is helping teachers improve instruction through collaborative inquiry. Standards-based instruction is beginning and will take much more support. We need to continue to improve the communication process to ensure students are able to register for rigorous courses. Our equity conversations must continue to ensure our gap continues to close.
Next Steps Curriculum and assessments aligned to the standards (pre)K-11 Continue to grow PLTW, CTE, and other rigorous course offerings Continue to support differentiated and tiered instruction Continue to grow the use of the data teams process to improve instruction so that all students succeed