Initial Compliance Reviews (ICRs) Didi Garcia Texas Education Agency Division of Federal and State Education Policy
Release of ICR Reports Reports released on NCLB Reports week of October 13 If staging released on ISAM only the reports for staged districts due to ICRs will be available
ICR Results ICR Intervention Stage Number of Districts Not Staged for ICRs918 Watch List – Not Staged for ICRs255 Staged for ICRs37 Staged for ICRs due to missing 2 or more of same indicators as in Total1218
ICR Highest Did Not Meet Standard ICRProgram % Did Not Meet Standard 9 - Did the LEA and its Title I, Part A campuses educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff members, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents? [P.L , Section 1118(e)(3)] Title I, Part A10.02% 18 - Did the district ensure that the campus highly qualified teacher plan included strategies to ensure teachers, who are not highly qualified in all core academic subject areas taught, become highly qualified in a reasonable timeframe? [P.L , Section 2122 (b)(10)] Title I, Part A7.39% 48 - Did the LEA adhere to the statutory 2% limitation on administrative costs related to the implementation of the Title III, Part A—LEP program? [P.L , Section 3115(b)] Title III, Part A8.13%
ICR Highest Did Not Meet Standard ICRProgram % Did Not Meet Standard 49 - Did the LEA ensure that all appropriate administrative costs for the Title III, Part A—LEP program, including both indirect costs and direct costs such as administrative salaries, were included with calculating administrative costs? [P.L , Section 9201; and 34 CFR 80.3] Title III, Part A12.56% 51 - Did the LEA ensure that appropriate time and effort records were maintained for staff who are split-funded with Title III, Part A—LEP and other funds? [OMB Circular A-87] Title III, Part A7.39%
Process used in Manually verified all Yes answers Manually verified all NA answers Impact on results
Plans for Collaborating with management Reassessing ICRs and effectiveness Random Validations Develop a plan to share with management Process may change but not the accountability Currently reviewing compliance reports for any potential changes