Inclusion of Special Populations Kentucky Department of Education Office of Assessment and Accountability KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Table of Contents Section Page Introduction, Background and Purpose Student Inclusion Summary of the Standards for Inclusion of Special Populations Section 1- Inclusion of Students with Disabilities Section 2- Inclusion of Students in Non-A1 Schools and State Agency Children Section 3- Inclusion of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Students Section 4- Inclusion of Students Receiving Instruction in Home/Hospital Settings Section 5- Inclusion of Students with Temporary Medical Conditions That Necessitate Accommodations for Participation Section 6- Conditions for Implementing Accommodations In the Power Point, at the top of some of the pages you will see either “Section…..” on the left upper corner or “pages…” on the right upper corner. This indicates which section of the regulation you will find this information on and what page of the regulation it is on. Today we will go through each section of the Inclusions Regulation and briefly discuss what each section means and the information you can find in the regs. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Outline 1.Students Participating in State Assessments a. Without Accommodations b. With Accommodations c. Alternate Assessment 2. Other Special Issues 3. Limited English Proficiency 4. Home/Hospital/Medical 5. Specific Accommodations with Prompting/Cueing Activity 6. KDE Contacts 7. Situations Activity The outline goes in the same order as the regs. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Who Participates in State Assessments? Section 1 Pg.5 thru 7 Who Participates in State Assessments? Students with no accommodations Students with accommodations Alternate Assessment There are three ways a student can participate, with no accommodations, with accommodations, or in the Alternate Assessment program. Pages 5-7 Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
With No Accommodations Section 1 Page 6 With No Accommodations Students who have been referred to an Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) or 504 committee, but the evaluation or eligibility process have not been completed. Students with disabilities not receiving special education and related services or accommodations and interventions under section 504. Students may not participate if the process has only been started. Page 6- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 1 Page 6 With Accommodations Students who have a current Individualized Educational Plan(IEP), 504 Plan or Program Services Plan(PSP). Students who meet the eligibility requirement for one of the disability categories under KAR 707 Ch. 1 or section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students who receive specially designed instruction and related services. Student must have a current IEP, 504 or PSP in order to participate with accommodations. Page 6- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Purpose of Accommodations Page 6 Section 1 Purpose of Accommodations Based on the individual needs of the student and not on a disability category Evaluation information or data support the need for intervention and accommodations in the specific area of need Part of the student’s routine instructional program Allowing the student to access the general curriculum and show what they know and are able to do LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD Accommodations must be based on the individuals needs, specific to them, not a disability. There should be sufficient data to support the need for an accommodation in order for them to demonstrate what they are capable of doing. Accommodations do not give them a leg up, instead we are attempting to level the playing field so they can show what they truly know. Page 6- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Alternate Assessment Components of the Alternate Assessment: Section 1 Page 6 and 7 Alternate Assessment Components of the Alternate Assessment: Attainment Tasks (AT) Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Must be documented in student’s IEP that the student qualifies for the Alternate Assessment Accommodations must be marked and applied in the same manner on the general assessment There are two basic components of the Alternate assessment if a student needs this path; Attainment Tasks and Transition Attainment Record. The need for the Alternate Assessment must be documented with supporting evidence in the student’s IEP. They must be applied in the same manner on the assessment as they are in the regular classroom. Pages 6-7- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 1 Page 7 Other Special Issues 21 year old students – If they age out prior to testing, they do not have to complete that year’s testing. Skip a grade – If a student skips a grade, they are not required to take the skipped assessments. Students making successful transitions – With the exception of Alternate Assessment students, schools are accountable for all students’ successful transition to adult life, with or without disabilities. If they turn 21 after the testing would take place, they are required to participate that year. As with any student without disabilities, the student that skips a grade does not make up the assessment for the grade being passed by. Schools are responsible for ALL students and their successful transition to adult life, with the exception of AA students. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 2 Page 8 Non-A1 Programs All non-A1 schools shall be included in the overall accountability program system. Kentucky School for the Deaf and Kentucky School for the Blind State agency children shall have the same assessments administered as other public school youth. Section 2 discusses what schools are included in the overall accountability program system and tells us who all must take the state assessments. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Title III and Title I Comparison Pages 8 thru 13 Section 3 Title III Title I Title III and Title I Comparison Academic Language Proficiency (Federal) Academic Achievement (State and Federal) Language-based Content-based Varying stages of second language acquisition Conceptual development Social and academic language contexts Academic curriculum Tied to a state’s language proficiency standards Tied to a state’s academic content standards Screener – W-APT should be used when student arrives in the district Annual language acquisition – ACCESS Annual Academic – K-PREP components 1st yr. In U.S. – LEP test math, science only 2nd yr. – test in all subjects AMAO reported with Title III AMO – proficiency in math and reading for Federal and K-PREP results This is a comparison that shows in chart form the differences between Title 1 and Title lll KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 1 Page 7 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Students (as defined in 703 KAR 5:001) All LEP students participate in state required assessments. 1st year LEP students are required to take the mathematics (grades 3-8 and 11) and science (grades 4, 7, 11) assessments for participation, but scores are not part of a school/district’s report. 2nd and 3rd year LEP students take all the assessments for that particular grade level. Students enrolled as different year LEP students will take different parts of the assessments. This is a quick/brief breakdown of the different parts they would take during given years. Pages 8-9- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Accommodations Section 3 Pages 10 Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Accommodations Permitted only if listed in a student’s Program Services Plan (PSP). Accommodations permitted also if LEP students have an IEP or 504 PLAN. Both the current PSP, IEP or 504 PLAN and accommodations have to be used in an on-going basis in the mainstream classroom. Student must have a current IEP, 504 or PSP in order to participate with accommodations. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Implementation of Accommodations Section 3 Pages 11 Implementation of Accommodations Assistive Technology Reader Scribe Prompting and Cueing Bilingual or English Glossary and Dictionary Extended Time Oral Native Language Support Simplified Language Inclusions of Special Populations document on p 11. No other language other than English can be written on the state required assessment Can submit a portfolio in another language other than English Short on multiple interpreters, district may use the same form of the test and be on a different schedule as long as it is within the testing window Oral language- assistance with vocabulary to sight translations which means rendering printed English test material orally in the student’s native language Simplified -language- specific words that may be exchanged but the words can’t be defined as part of the simplifying of language- ex. Assessment- Test KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Identifying Students as English Language Learners (ELLs) Section 3 Pages 12 Identifying Students as English Language Learners (ELLs) Give each new student in your district the home-language survey. If the answer to any of the 4 required home-language survey questions is any language other than English, then administer the screener, W-APT. The W-APT is downloadable free to districts from the web site: Contact Chris Williams for a password. The results of the W-APT must be shared with parents within the first 30 days of the school year or within 2 weeks of enrollment during the school year. A program services committee will design a Program Services Plan (PSP) for each identified LEP student. The teacher will provide services throughout the year with appropriate instructional and assessment accommodations for each individual LEP student. The 4 required home-language survey questions are: What is the language most frequently spoken at home? Which language did your child learn when he/she first began to talk? What language does your child most frequently speak at home? What language do you most frequently speak to your child? PSP is to be completed within the first 30 days of the school year or within the 2 weeks of enrollment during the school year. PSP committee includes the following: ELL Teacher/Specialist, Classroom Teacher(s), Principal and Guidance Counselor. Current PSP updated yearly with new ACCESS scores. Everyone who works with an ELL student needs to have a copy of the PSP. Sample PSP plans are at the following link: KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Home/Hospital Settings Section 4 Pages 13 Home/Hospital Settings School personnel determine how a student in home/hospital setting will participate: Participates fully Medically exempt if: Assessment would jeopardize a student’s well being *** An identified disability or handicapping condition alone shall not be considered sufficient reason for granting a medical exemption. If a student is in the hospital or a home setting due to medical issues, school personnel will determine how the student will participate, either fully or if they need a medical exemption. Keep in mind that a disability is not to be considered reason enough to not take the test. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Temporary Medical Conditions Section 5 Pages 14 Temporary Medical Conditions Students who become injured or develop an ailment before or during the testing window may be allowed appropriate accommodations to allow their participation in the assessment. Example: Broken arm that the student writes with can receive a scribe If a student becomes injured just before or during the testing window, an accommodation will be allowed to enable the student to participate in the assessment fully. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Implementing Accommodations Section 6 Page 14 Implementing Accommodations Age appropriate and related to verified disability Evaluation data that supports the need in a specified area Not intended to reduce learning expectations or substitute for specific instruction, not introduced for the first time on assessment For the purpose of students accessing the general education curriculum Consistent with student’s IEP, 504 or PSP Shall not inappropriately impact the content being measured Shall be considered temporary strategies and shall be faded as the student gains skill and knowledge Pages 14-15- Inclusion of Special Population Accommodations are never meant to reduce a child’s learning. Instead they are intended to allow the student with a disability the chance to access the general curriculum like all other students. If a child has a scribe as a Kindergartener they should not still have a scribe when they are a 12th grader. The accommodation needs to be faded out as the child gains the skill and knowledge. The child needs to have writing instruction to enable them to build the skills to allow them to participate in regular daily classroom activities as well as the assessments. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Reinforcement and Behavior Modification Strategies Section 6 Page 15 Accommodations Assistive Technology Readers Scribes Paraphrasing Extended Time Reinforcement and Behavior Modification Strategies Manipulatives Prompting and Cueing Interpreters Page 15- Inclusion of Special Populations This is a list of accommodations allowed on assessments. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Who Can Assist With Accommodations? 2006-2007 Administration Code Training - Office of Assessment and Accountability Section 6 Who Can Assist With Accommodations? Page 15 School district decision Preferably someone familiar with the student (teacher, instructional assistant) Individual trained in the roles and responsibilities of appropriate accommodations, confidentiality, the Administration Code and the Inclusion Regulation. People assisting with accommodations must be trained in his/her roles and responsibilities and abide by confidentiality laws, KAR regulations, etc. They might also need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 7 Page 16 Assistive Technology “An assistive technology device, as defined by (PL 105-394), is any item, piece of equipment or product system whether acquired commercially, off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.” In order to foster independence, carryover to post-school activities, and self advocacy skills in general, assistive technology SHALL ALWAYS be considered as an early first choice regarding accommodations. AT can be any thing as tiny as a pencil grip, but up to and including larger items like screen readers that read aloud to the student. Pages 16-17- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Assistive Technology Page 16 Section 6 Amplification equipment Noise buffers Magnifying devices Non-calibrated rule or template Communication board and devices Word processors Talking calculators Speech-to-text software or devices Audio file Cranmer Abacus Text-to-speech software or devices Auditory trainer Electronic dictionaries Braille writers Refresher Braille Signing avatar Word prediction Screen readers Closed captioned or video material An expanded list of items that you might see as possible AT devices used by various students. Page 16- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 6 Page 18 Readers “If listening to a reader is the normal mode through which the student is presented regular print materials, reading assessments may be read to a student on the premise that the intent of reading is to measure comprehension.” Students may use a reader on the assessment if that is the normal or regular way in which the child receives print materials in the classroom and is done for the purpose measuring comprehension. Page 18- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 6 Page 18 Use of Readers Read directions, prompts, situations, passages, and stories as written unless the student meets criteria for paraphrasing. Not using information to lead the student to information needed for answering the constructed–response items or multiple choice questions. Re-read directions, prompts, situations, passages, and stories ONLY AT THE STUDENT’S REQUEST. Not pointing out parts of the task, questions or parts skipped by the student and read individual words and abbreviations that are mispronounced by text/screen readers. A reader can read directions, prompts, situations, passages and stories as written. They cannot lead the student to the answer by tone, phrasing ,etc. Re-reading can only be done with the students request to the reader. The reader cannot point out parts of a task that a student missed even though they know it is an over sight. Page 18- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Use of Scribes Section 6 Page 18-19 Before providing a scribe the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) or 504 committee should consider under what conditions a student will use a scribe or supplementary aids: Braille writers, communications boards, audio recorder, assistive technology or note taker Has to be used on a routine basis during instruction throughout the year Should not be used as a replacement for writing instruction or assistive technology The ARC should have looked into all the accommodations prior to the assessments beginning, not just for scribes. However, they have to be more specific about what supplementary aids might be needed to accomplish the scribe role. Never should an accommodation be used in place of instruction. Our goal is always to teach the student to be independent and we can’t take away all writing instruction just because scribing might be easier and faster. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Don’t Use A Scribe if… the student does not have a verified disability Section 6 Page 18-19 the student does not have a verified disability the student has the ability to use written language at a rate commensurate to peers the student is able to produce the product, but would be more legible if scribed the student has a severe disability in the area of writing but is able to use appropriate technology to respond Scribe is not used as a replacement for writing instruction or assistive technology. The goal is always to make the student independent and independent does not always mean the fastest or neatest. Be careful not to give a scribe, or any other accommodation for that matter, just for the sake of getting things done quicker. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Scribe’s Role To record the student’s work Section 6 Page 19 Scribe’s Role To record the student’s work To allow the student to show what they know and are capable of while providing the student with an alternative means to express his/her thoughts and knowledge without changing the measure of the student’s response The scribes role is to record the students work without changing their response, thereby giving them a way to participate in the assessment and show what they know. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Scribe’s Responsibility for Multiple Choice Section 6 Page 19 Scribe’s Responsibility for Multiple Choice To record the answer selected by student **NOTE** Few students will need a scribe for this type of items. Generally, needing this assistance will be students with physical disabilities or visual tracking issues. A scribe’s role is different for different parts of the test. Often times with multiple choice the student will opt to do the bubbling themselves. This is acceptable, however the scribe can do it if the student requests they bubble for them. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Scribe’s Responsibility for Constructed-Response Section 6 Page 20 Scribe’s Responsibility for Constructed-Response For constructed-response items, scribe writes what student dictates. Since the purpose of constructed-response items is to assess application of knowledge in content areas, scribe may record the student’s responses using correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. HOWEVER, scribes DO NOT correct grammar, run-on sentences, or organization of the student’s ideas. For open response the scribe must write what is dictated using correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, but not correcting run on sentences, grammar or organization. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Scribe’s Responsibility for On-Demand Writing Section 6 Page 20 Scribe’s Responsibility for On-Demand Writing Write what the student dictates. Shall not provide instruction or conference with the student during the on-demand writing prompt. Shall not correct grammar, run-on sentences, or organize student’s ideas. What you cannot do is any kind of conferencing about their writing. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 6 Page 21 Paraphrasing is used to restate printed text or oral communication with other words that put printed text and oral communication into simpler terminology. Paraphrasing is used to restate the printed text so it is in simpler terms that the student can understand and work with. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Paraphrasing Can Use Paraphrasing on the On Demand Tasks for: Section 6 Page 21 Paraphrasing Can Use Paraphrasing on the On Demand Tasks for: Constructed-Response Items Multiple Choice Questions Writing Prompts **IEP/504 must include specific goals and specially designed instruction related to reading comprehension, language and listening comprehension Paraphrasing can be used in On-Demand tasks. A key point to remember is that to get paraphrasing, a student must have goals and specially designed instruction on the IEP for reading comprehension or problems with language comprehension. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Paraphrasing Do Not Use Paraphrasing as a Replacement for: Section 6 Page 21 Paraphrasing Do Not Use Paraphrasing as a Replacement for: Reading , Listening, and Oral Communications Instruction Assistive Technology Do not use paraphrasing as a replacement for instruction in reading, listening and oral communications. The student still needs to receive instruction in all areas. Paraphrasing is just to help them understand concepts that they don’t know. Page 21- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 6 Page 21 Paraphrasing Paraphrasing for the state-required assessment and accountability programs shall be consistent with classroom instruction and includes: Repeating or rephrasing the on-demand tasks, directions, prompts, or situation. Breaking directions and sentences into parts or segments or using similar words or phrases. But shall not include defining words or concepts or telling a student what to do first, second, etc. Stories (reading passages) and content passages may NOT be paraphrased. Page 21- Inclusion of Special Populations Paraphrasing on the assessment must be consistent with what they have been receiving in the classroom. You can break down directions, repeat or rephrase on-demand tasks. You cannot define words, you must replace them with an equal or similar word. A “paraphrase” shall not inappropriately impact the content being measured KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Examples of Paraphrasing Good example of paraphrasing: Directions: “Compare and contrast two different versions of “The Three Little Pigs”. -----Proctor says, “Tell how two stories are alike and different”. Bad example of paraphrasing: Item: Billy’s mother told him he was really “in a pickle” now. What did she mean? ----Proctor says, “That means he was in trouble”. Paraphrasing is meant to restate the situation or directions, not to state the answer by defining the words or phrases. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Part of their daily instructional routine Section 6 Page 21 Use of Extended Time Part of their daily instructional routine Students must be making constructive progress on completing their responses and under supervision Page 21- Inclusion of Special Populations Students with an IEP, 504 or PSP can have additional extended time beyond what is normally given as long as they finish by the end of the day. Offered only for the day of the assessment Must adhere to the rules of the assessment KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Reinforcement & Behavior Modification Strategies Section 6 Page 21-22 Reinforcement & Behavior Modification Strategies If ANY student’s behavior impacts the performance of other students, then school staff may remove the student from the assessment situation. Page 22- Inclusion of Special Populations A student can be removed from a situation that is disruptive and impacting other students and made to finish the assessment in a different location. The school shall receive a non-performance score for the student for any unfinished content areas of assessment and the scores will be included in the calculation to determine school success. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Reinforcement and Behavior Modification Strategies Section 6 Page 21-22 Reinforcement and Behavior Modification Strategies A student may complete the assessment if….. they are moved to another location, standards for appropriate testing are followed, test security is maintained, and finish in the same day as other students. When completing testing in a different environment, you must follow standard rules, maintain security and finish the test the same day. Page 22- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 6 Page 22 Manipulatives Used on the state-required assessment and development of portfolios as a strategy to solve problems Part of daily instruction Student initiated Give the student a reminder before testing about the location of the manipulatives and that the manipulatives can be used during testing. The student must initiate the need for the manipulative. A proctor may not offer them. Page 22- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Section 6 Page 22-25 Prompting and Cueing The use of these strategies and guides for assessment shall be student initiated and not teacher initiated. Prompting and cueing documents are personal to the student and not generic. They are a collection of tools to assist a student with a disability in accessing the general curriculum. Items are used for organizing for his or her thinking and work. It is a management strategy to assist a student in organizing his or her learning and memory devices. Prompting and cueing are often the trickiest of the accommodations to administer. There is a fine line between prompting/cueing and giving away answers. Remember some key points are 1st- they are always student initiated, 2nd – personal and child specific, 3rd – allows student access to the general curriculum in spite of their disability, and 4th – offers a way to organize thoughts and devices to help with learning. Pages 22-25- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Visual Prompt Example The _______ can _______ . boy bird dog jump run fly The _______ can _______ . This could be done with colored overlays. If the student is use to using those, they can put the color overlay over the problem to show which answers go with which question. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Time for a Prompting and Cueing Activity Pull up the prompting and cueing PowerPoint and have participants pull out their copy of the PowerPoint. Ask them to go through the PP and mark either a check mark or an X by each example. The check means it would be okay in a notebook. The X means it would not be okay. Give them several minutes to go through and mark their thoughts. After they are done, begin with the PP and go through each one discussing why it would or would not be allowed in the prompting and cueing notebook. Pages 23-25 of the Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Interpreters for Students with Hearing Impairments Section 6 Page 25 Interpreters for Students with Hearing Impairments Signing shall not be a replacement for technology or reading instruction. Interpreters cannot indicate correct answers to test items. Interpreters who are also scribes must follow the policies on scribing. NOTE: American Sign Language must adhere to the grammatical equivalent of English without adding to or elaborating on the content. Sign language shall not be a replacement for reading instruction or technology. Most importantly, ASL must adhere to the grammatical equivalent of the English version of what is on the test. They cannot elaborate or add a bunch of adjectives to make a point better known for example. If a student signs “ horse runs in field”. It could be written “The horse runs in the field .” It could not be written, “The beautiful majestic mare galloped graciously across the spacious field”. Page 25- Inclusion of Special Populations KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
2006-2007 Administration Code Training - Office of Assessment and Accountability Office of Assessment and Accountability Division of Support and Research 502-564-4394 KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012
Time for an Activity! Read your situation. 2006-2007 Administration Code Training - Office of Assessment and Accountability Time for an Activity! Read your situation. Look for information in the Administration Code and/or Inclusion Regulations. Decide if it is a violation and place it on the wall. Be prepared to defend your decision. Randomly hand out the testing situation cards. Have participants find their situation on the worksheet activity and mark where in the regulation they would find the answer to their situation(s). Be prepared to go through each one once everyone has completed the activity. KDE:OAA:DSR 12/04/2012