Implementing air quality e-Reporting Core requirements by December 2013 Jaume Targa 18 th EIONET Workshop AQAM Dublin, Ireland 24 th October 2013 European.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementing air quality e-Reporting Core requirements by December 2013 Jaume Targa 18 th EIONET Workshop AQAM Dublin, Ireland 24 th October 2013 European Environment Agency

COUNTDOWN 62 days to X-mas 68 days to e-Reporting Too much information? Should I worry? What’s essential?

European Environment Agency Content Core requirements by end 2013 Air Quality Zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Assessment methods (D) Primary Up To Date data (E2a)

European Environment Agency Core requirements Need to provide the monitoring strategy for 2014 Zones in 2014 Regime in place to assess AQ in 2014 Minimum information on methods used All to be reported to EEA via CDR Countries can use any tool to generate XML: In-house tools AQUI Any combination of these

European Environment Agency Common – Reporting header AQ e-Reporting header

European Environment Agency Air Quality Zones (B)

European Environment Agency Air Quality Zones (B) 21 mandatory fields

European Environment Agency Air Quality Zones (B)

European Environment Agency Assessment Regime (C) Provides information on how air quality is assessed in each zone.

European Environment Agency Assessment Regime (C) 18 mandatory fields

European Environment Agency Assessment Regime (C)

European Environment Agency Closer look at the 8 new AQ data themes AQ assessment methods Data flow deliverables for end 2013

European Environment Agency Data flow deliverables for end mandatory fields for fixed points inc.

European Environment Agency Data flow deliverables for end mandatory fields for fixed points

European Environment Agency D – Assessment Methods – Fixed/Indicative

European Environment Agency 4 data flow deliverables overall Don’t forget to your Near Real Time data feeds now called up-to-date data (UTD) Summary of deliverables December 2013

European Environment Agency E –Primary data (AQ elements only)

European Environment Agency E –Primary data (AQ elements only)

European Environment Agency CORE Zones (B) Assessment Regime (C) Assessment Methods (D) Up to date data (E2a) Summary of data flows and linkages SamplingModelling

European Environment Agency Any Questions ?

European Environment Agency Contact to ETC/ACM Jaume Targa Principal consultant 4sfera Innova m e. skype jaume.targa.4sfera web You can follow us on twitter Mobile App just launched on Apple Store - Europe Air (