The Six Wives of Henry VIII
ANTECEDENTS During the 16th century, the Protestant Reformation played an extraordinary part in European faith, culture, and politics. Reformation began in Germany in England remained Catholic for more than 15 years before crossing over to Protestantism.
Describing Henry VIII Notorious King of England. Significant influence on English history. Remember for his wild life style, his cruel attitudes, and of course his six wives. Well-educated and a skillful ruler. Confidence and supremacy
Henry VIII One of the most capricious and powerful king Increased the authority of royal government. Taxes. Increased the clerical power. known for founding the Anglican Church in order to obtain his numerous divorces.
Henry VIII One of the most capricious and powerful king Son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. Born in London on June 28, Good looking man and was an athlete. 38 years as King of England. Man of Blood
Henry VIII’s Family Tree Edmund m Margaret Henry VII m Elizabeth of York Arthur m Catherine of Aragon (*) Margaret m James IV of Scotland Henry VIII m 6 women Catherine of Aragon Divorced Anne Boleyn Beheaded Jane Seymour Died Anne of Cleves Divorded Catherine Howard Beheaded Katherine Parr Survived Mary I Elizabeth I Edward VI Mary m Louis XII of France
Antecedent Arthur married Catherine of Aragon in Their marriage lasted around six months.
Catherine of Aragon Humble and Loyal Born: 16 Dec 1485 Married: 11 June 1509 Divorced/Annulled: 1533 Died: 7 January 1536 a still birth, Prince Henry (died at 52 days) 8 miscarriages, Mary I, and died. Daughter: Mary I
Catherine faced Three Mistresses: Elizabeth Blount (Illegitimate Son) Mary Boleyn Anne Boleyn Henry FitzRoy 1st Duke of Richmond and Somerset
Catherine of Aragon "blighted in the eyes of God" Henry VIII married his first wife, Catherine of Aragon because of the power, money, political alliance with Spain and perhaps, at least initially, for love.
Anne Boleyn The Most Happy Born: c.1500? Married: January 1533 Executed: 19 May Big Temper and obstinate. Two miscarriages. Daughter: Elizabeth I
Anne Boleyn " wish myself (specially an evening) in my sweetheart's arms, whose pretty ducks [breasts] I trust shortly to kiss." The reason King Henry VIII married his second wife, Anne Boleyn, was for love and lust. Anne Boleyn was exciting and headstrong. Henry was in love with Anne Boleyn who also pregnant when they married.
Jane Seymour Bound to Obey and Serve Born: c Married: 30 May 1536 Died: 24 October In complete contrast to Anne Boleyn, a dramatic dark with flaming black eyes and a spirit and temper to match Son: Edward I, King of England.
Jane Seymour "My Dear friend and mistress, The reason King Henry VIII married his third wife, Jane Seymour, was she was the total opposite of Anne Boleyn - meek, obedient and demure. Jane Seymour was also pregnant when she married the king
Anne of Cleves God send me Well to Keep Born: 1515 Married: 6 January 1540 Divorced: July 1540 Died: 16 July 1557 The Ugly Sister. No children
Anne of Cleves "You have sent me a Flanders mare!" The reason King Henry VIII married his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, was to gain a political alliance in Europe. He was sorely disappointed and promptly divorced her
Catherine Howard No Other Will that His Born: 1521 Married: 28 July 1540 Executed: 13 February 1542 Anne Boleyn’s Cousin Young and Beautiful. Rejuvenated Henry No Children
Catherine Howard "Rose without a thorn" The reason King Henry VIII married his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, was for lust and the infatuation of an old man. Catherine was very young and pretty - his 'rose without a thorn' - wrong again!
Katherine Parr To Be Useful in All Than I Do Born: 1512 Married: 12 July 1543 Widowed: 28 January 1547 Died: 5 September 1548 Attentive stepmother, a caring nurse, a faithful companion. No children
Katherine Parr "most dearly and most entirely beloved wife" The reason King Henry VIII married his last and sixth wife, Catherine Parr, was for comfort and companionship in his old age.
CONCLUSION HENRY the VIII of England, seen here with his six wives, from left to right, Katherine of Aragon, Ann Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Katherine Howard and Katherine Parr. Unlike Henry, the real Henry did not have all his wives at once. (His wives might have been happier if he had, considering that two of them were beheaded.)