1 American Indian Probate Reform Act of 2004 (AIPRA)
2 Floyd H. Azure II Montana State University Extension Undergraduate Student Assistant Marsha A. Goetting Montana State University Extension Family Economics Specialist; Department of Agricultural Economics & Economics
3 Purpose of AIPRA To Prevent Further Fractionation of Trust Lands. To Encourage Consolidation of Indian Land Ownership.
4 AIPRA: Probate Sections Effective for persons who pass away on or after June 20, 2006
5 AIPRA State law no longer applies to Trust Property when a person passes away without a will.
6 14 Fact Sheets Highlight Describe Illustrate
7 Individual Indian Money Accounts
8 Your (IIM) Account Fact Sheet #13 What happens to your money if you pass away without a will?
9 IIM Accounts Money earned from Leases Timber/Land Sales Grazing Mineral Royalty Payments
10 Do I have an IIM account? Office of the Special Trustee (OST) on each reservation Ledger Report
11 OST Phone Numbers Blackfeet: Fort Peck: Fort Belknap: Fort Hall:
12 How to get my IIM Ledger? Toll Free Enrollment Number Last 4 numbers of SS# Date of Birth Mailing Address
13 Trust Status Indian spouse & Eligible Heirs – retain trust status of money in account
14 Non-Indians Secretary of Interior distributes IIM monies to them
15 IIM Distribution Depends on Family Situation – Single – Married (no will)
16 Example 1: Single No spouse No children No grandchildren No great grandchildren –Parents are living
17 Mother 1/2 Single Person Father 1/2 Survivors: IIM to Parents equally
18 IIM: $5,000 Mother $2,500 Dad $2,500 Single Person
19 Mother ALL Single Person Father Survivor: One Parent
20 Mother $5,000 Single Person Father Survivor: IIM to One parent
21 Example 2: If no spouse, no children, no grandchildren, no great grandchildren or no parents –Brothers & sisters split IIM money
22 Single person passed away after Father & Mother 1/3 IIM equally to brothers & sisters FatherMother
23 Single person passed away after Father & Mother $1,000 IIM Account: $3,000 FatherMother
24 Example 3: Single Person No children Parents deceased Brothers & sisters Deceased & living (no will)
25 2 living, 2 deceased (IIM no will) Sisters passed away before brother
26 IIM Distribution
27 IIM Distribution
28 Example 4: Single – with children (no will)
29 Survivors : 3 kids Single Parent Passed Away Child
30 IIM passes in equal shares Parent Passed Away 1/3 (no will)
31 Example 5: Single person – 3 living children – 6 living grandchildren (no will)
32 Equal shares to children Parent 1/ Grandchildren (no will)
33 Example 6: IIM What if ? a person (with 1 child) passes away before parents? (no will)
34 Parent ? ? ? ?0?0 ? ???/ ? // Person passed away before parent Grandchildren (no will) IIM Distribution
35 Right of Representation Grandchildren receive the IIM share their parent would have received if he/she had lived (no will)
36 IIM: Children & Grandchild inherit Parent 1/ Child passed away before parent 0 Grandchildren (no will)
37 Example 7: What if ? A son with 1 child A daughter with 2 children passed away before parent? (no will)
38 Parent 1/3 1/6 1/3 000 Two children passed away before parent Grandchildren (no will) IIM Distribution
39 Example 8: What if ? A son with 1 child A daughter with 3 children passed away before parent? (no will)
40 IIM Distribution Grandchildren Child passed away before parent Child passed away before parent
41 Example 9: What if ? All children pass away before parents There are 6 living grandchildren
42 Survivors : Grandchildren All kids passed away before parent Grandchildren (no will)
43 Summary IIM Account Distribution – depends upon family situation for a single person (no will)
44 Family Situation Married person
45 Example 1: Married Survivors –Wife –No children (no will)
46 Wife All Husband IIM Account
47 Husband Wife $2,000 $2,000 IIM
48 Example 2: Married Survivors –Wife –3 Children (no will)
49 Wife Their Child Their Child Their Child Husband IIM Account
50 IIM Account- no will Surviving Spouse 1/3
51 IIM Account-no will Children split remaining 2/3
52 Wife 1/3 Their Child 2/9 Their Child 2/9 Their Child 2/9 Husband IIM Accounts Equally divide 2/3
53 Wife 1/3 $3,000 Their Child $2,000 Their Child $2,000 Their Child $2,000 Husband IIM $9,000 Equally divide 2/3 = $6,000
54 Example 3: Married Survivors –Wife –2 living children –1 deceased child with children
55 Wife 1/3 $3,000 Their Child $2,000 Their Child $2,000 Their Child $2,000 Husband $9,000 Equally divide 2/3 = $6,000 Grand Child $1,000 Grand Child $1,000 Grand Child 0
56 Summary Surviving Spouse –All if no children
57 Summary Surviving Spouse –1/3 Children –2/3
58 More Information Fact Sheet #13 What happens to your IIM money if you pass away without a will?
59 American Indian Probate Reform Act of 2004 (AIPRA)