1 香港家庭計劃指導會 The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong 二零零七年香港家庭計劃 知識、態度及實行 調查報告 Report on the Survey of Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Hong Kong 2007 二零零七年香港家庭計劃 知識、態度及實行 調查報告 Report on the Survey of Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Hong Kong 2007
2 A series of survey conducted every 5 years since 1967, and the 2007 survey is the ninth in the series Questions were designed primarily based on those in previous surveys for the purpose of trend analysis Objectives To evaluate the progress of family planning movement and fertility level in Hong Kong To study ineffective contraceptive usage and contraceptive failure, unplanned pregnancy and induced abortion Background and Objectives
3 Household was used as the sampling unit A sample of households was systematically drawn by the Census and Statistics Department using random sampling method One eligible woman (currently married or cohabitated and aged between 15-49) and her spouse were randomly selected in each household visited A pilot survey was conducted prior to the main survey Respondents were anonymous Methodology
4 The Nielsen Company conducted interviews by home visits during December 2007 and April 2008 1,510 women and 770 of their spouses were successfully interviewed Female response rate: 66% 71% in 1992 70% in 1997 73% in 2002 Male response rate: 51%* 58%* in 1997 71%* in 2002 * The number of successfully interviewed women is used as the base of the male response rate
5 % Below 25 % Below Mean age of female respondents = 39.7 years 50 and above N f2007 = 1,510 N m2007 = 770 Age Distribution of Respondents Mean age of male respondents = 43.7 years Year of age Female Male
6 Distribution by Education Attainment N m1997 = 871 N m2002 = 1,147 N f1992 = 1,681 N f2002 = 1,607 N f1997 = 1,511 % Post-secondary education or above Secondary schoolNo schooling Primary school Base : All respondents N m2007 = 770 N f2007 = 1,510 Female Male Education attainment
7 Distribution by Household Income $0- $3,999 $4,000- $5,999 $6,000- $7,999 $8,000- $9,999 $10,000- $14,999 $15,000- $19,999 $20,000- $29,999 $30,000- $39,999 $40,000 or above All female respondents: 1,510 Average monthly household income: about $23,637 % Monthly household income
8 % Base: All female respondents ( 2007: 1,510 , 2002: 1,607 , 1997: 1,511 , 1992: 1,681 ) Parity (Number of children) or above Distribution of Women by Parity
9 % Base: All female respondents ( 2007: 1,510 , 2002: 1,607 , 1997: 1,511 , 1992: 1,681 ) Ideal parity (Ideal number of children) or above Distribution of Women by Ideal Parity
10 Actual and Ideal Parities Parity All female respondents Base: ( 2,270 1,550 1,403 1,511 1,681 1,511 1,607 1,510 ) Year Ideal parity
11 Actual parity < Ideal parityActual parity = Ideal parity Actual parity > Ideal parity % Comparison of Actual and Ideal Parities Base: 1,210 (excluding those women who were infertile by birth or accidents and those who have no ideal parity)
12 Women Desiring to Have Children (Again) YesNoNot decided yet Don’t know / Never thought about it Base: 2007: 1,424, 2002: 1,294, 1997: 1,152, 1992: 1,194, 1987:1,062 (excluding those women who were infertile by birth or accidents) %
13 Reasons for Desiring to Have Children (Again) I like children Let children have company Children can bring joy to life To carry on the family line I wouldn’t be lonely in my old age My husband wants to have children Children are the fruits of our love I like to have a big family Giving birth is a women’s natural duty My parents want to have grandchildren To maintain marriage Financial support from children in my old age Base: All respondents who were fertile and desired to have children (again) ( Female: 183, Male: 115 ) Female Male % Female Male
14 Reasons for Not Wanting to Have Children (Again) Already have enough children Financial burden of raising children is heavy Too old Too much responsibility for raising children Too busy at work Fear children would be corrupted by bad social values Hope to give every child as much education as possible Accommodation is a problem with too many Children Base: Those respondents who were fertile but did not want to have children (again) ( Female: 1,157, Male: 543 ) % Female Male Female Male
15 % Have discussed with spouse Respondents who were still fertile and knew whether they want to have children (again) or not ( 2002: Husband 911, Wife : husband 730, Wife 728 ) Yes Base: Respondents who said they had discussed with their spouse on parity ( 2002: Husband 591, Wife : Husband 466, Wife 482 ) Enough discussion? % % Discussion with Spouse on Parity Opinion same with spouse’s? Female Male
16 Use of Contraceptives and Satisfaction Ever used Never used SatisfiedDissatisfied Male condom Oral pills Rhythm (Safety period) Withdrawal Intra-uterine device Female sterilization Contraceptive injection Emergency contraceptive pills Abstinence Female condom Contraceptive patch Diaphragm External contraceptives (e.g. foaming tablet) Male sterilization Base: Excluding those who were infertile by birth (Female: 1,508 ) % % Female
17 Principal Contraceptive Methods Currently Used Male condom Diaphragm Oral pills Female sterilization Rhythm (Safety period) Withdrawal Contraceptive injection Male sterilization % % % Base: Female respondents who were fertile by birth and practised contraception ,015 1,221 1,314 1,187 1,336 1,078 % 1987 % 1982 Diaphragm / External contraceptives e.g. foaming tablet
18 Attitude towards Responsibility in Family Planning BothNeither husband nor wife’sHusband’sWife’s BothNeither husband nor wife’sHusband’s Wife’s % % Whose responsibility? Male Female Whose responsibility?
19 Reasons for Not Practising / Discontinuing Contraception Don’t think I will get pregnant Don’t care Afraid of side effects Contraception is very inconvenient Contraceptive out of stock Partner’s objection Have sexual intercourse during safety period Base: Female respondents who were born fertile and did not practise contraception (119 ) Want to have a baby % Aged 25 and below Aged Aged Aged Aged Aged Age Distribution (%) Not care ( 23 respondents ) Think I won’t get pregnant ( 44 respondents )
20 Induced Abortion None or above Base: All female respondents who were born fertile ( 1,437 ) Proportions of female respondents who ever had induced abortion : 20.8%, 2002: 26.3%, 1997: 25.4%, 1992: 22.8% % Number of induced abortions ever had
21 N=226 Contraceptive Method Used Before Induced Abortion Yes 50.5% No 27.3% Whether practised contraception before induced abortion? Got pregnant in an occasion where a contraceptive method wasn’t used 22.2% (52.1) (18.9) (7.0) (11.9) (5.2) (2.4) (0.0) Male condom Oral pills Intra-uterine device Rhythm (Safety period) Withdrawal Contraceptive injection Female sterilization () data from 2002 Distribution of women by contraceptive method used before induced abortion - (Including those who practised contraception and those who got pregnant in an occasion where a contraceptive method wasn’t used respondents in total ) % Base: Female respondents who ever had induced abortion ( 311 )
22 Place of Induced Abortion Hospitals in Hong KongMainland China Illegally in Hong Kong FPAHK Distribution of female respondents who ever had induced abortion by the place of last induced abortion % Base: Female respondents who were born fertile and ever had induced abortion ( 2007: 311 ; 2002: 422 ; 1997: 384 ; 1992: 382 )
23 Place of Induced Abortion (Including Hong Kong residents only ) Hospitals in Hong KongMainland ChinaIllegally in Hong KongFPAHK % Base: Including female respondents who were Hong Kong residents at the time of last induced abortion ( 105 ) Distribution of female respondents who ever had induced abortion by the place of last induced abortion
24 Reasons for Last Induced Abortions Financial burden Already have enough children Health problem Unstable social & economical environment Not mentally prepared for having children Base: Female respondents who ever had induced abortion ( 2007: 311 ) % Not yet a suitable time to have children My character is not suitable for parenthood
25 Decision Making on Last Induced Abortion Myself Baby’s father Doctor My parents Base: Female respondents who ever had induced abortion ( 2007: 311 ) % Distribution of women by decision maker of last induced abortion
26 Feeling After Induced Abortion Guilty No difference Relieved Sad Base: Female respondents who ever had induced abortion ( 2007: 311 ) %