Qualities of a “Noble Wife” 1. Hardworking and responsible (vv , 17-22, 27) 2. Business minded (vv. 16, 18, 24, 29) 3. Charitable (v. 20) 4. Brings respect and good tidings to husband (vv , 23) 5. Confident and secure (vv ) 6. Fears the Lord (v. 30)
Issues to Consider 1. Why should the epilogue to the Book of Proverbs (Wisdom Literature) be dedicated to a text listing down qualities of a wife of noble character? 2. If text is to be taken literally, then are the qualities of the noble wife more applicable to families of wealth and respectable social standing?
Issues to Consider (cont’d) 3. Why are roles and relationship between husband and wife not mentioned in the text? 4. Are the virtues of the noble wife within reach of most women? (i.e. How many wives can buy real estate, sustain a merchandising business and maintain household?) 5. Nowhere else does the Book of Proverbs concern itself in such detail on qualities of a wife or husband.
Issues to Consider (cont’d) 6. How does the text really link itself to the oracle by King Lemuel’s mother in the earlier verses? 7. Could the “wife” of Proverbs 31 be a metaphor? (Note that vv is in a form of an acrostic poem– alphabetical order. Chapter 31 is the only chapter using this structure, normally deployed to help people MEMORIZE and INTERNALIZE the teaching.)
Traditionally, WOMEN were used as SYMBOLS of great virtues Statue of Liberty – woman representing freedom Justice – usually depicted as a blindfolded woman with scales in one hand, a sword in the other
Traditionally, WOMEN were used as SYMBOLS of great virtues The Church – described in the New Testament presented blameless and spotless to Jesus Christ as the bride.
What could the Proverbs 31 “wife” represent? 31:10 “She is worth far more than rubies.” 3:15“She (wisdom) is more precious than rubies.” 8:11 “...for wisdom is more precious than rubies.” Job 28:18 “...the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.”
The Book of Proverbs BEGINS with: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (Prov. 1:7) The Book of Proverbs ENDS with: “...a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (31:30) A closer look–
Proverbs Chapter 9 contrasts 2 women: Wisdom (vv. 1-6) The woman Folly (vv )
The “wife” of Proverbs 31 is LADY WISDOM
What then is the function of wisdom? 1. To teach us how to have noble character 2. To apply spiritual wisdom in all areas of our lives: Managing our household (vv. 15, 21, 27-28) Managing our careers and businesses (vv , 22, 24) Decision-making (vv , 16) How to communicate effectively and wisely (v. 26) Stress management (v. 25)
Who is to marry Lady Wisdom? “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son.” (Hosea 11:1-2)
Did ISRAEL marry Lady WISDOM or the woman FOLLY?
How important is spiritual wisdom in our everyday lives? Eph 5:15-16 (NASB) 15 Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, 16 making the most of your time, because the days are evil.
How important is spiritual wisdom in our everyday lives? Col 4:5 (NASB) 5 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity.
How important is spiritual wisdom in our everyday lives? Matt 10:16 (NASB) 16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.”
How to acquire Wisdom? 1. ATTITUDE Reverence (Prov 9:10) Humility (Prov 11:2, 15:33) (James 3:13) Be teachable (Prov 9:9, 15:31, 19:20) (2 Tim 3:16) Hard work and diligence (Prov 8:17) Faith and uprightness (James 1:5-8) (Prov 2:7)
How to acquire Wisdom? 2. APPROACH From the Bible (Psalm 119:97-100) From prayer and spiritual revelation (Col 1:9-10) From personal research and wise counsel (Neh 2:11-16) (Luke 14:28-32) From reflecting on life itself (Prov 30:24-28) (After Garry Friesen “Decision Making and the Will of God”)
1. Human beings are designed for intimate relationships a) Gen 2:18 “It is not good for the man to be ALONE.” b) Gen 2:24 “for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Marriage is probably the oldest cultural institution across the globe
2. The need for intimacy and companionship can color a judgment on who to marry a) 1 Tim 5:11 “For when their sensual desires overcome their dedication to Christ, they want to marry.” The media and our culture subconsciously shape our expectations of marriage.
3. Marriage is a PRIVELEGE; many want to marry but sadly either cannot or enter into an unhappy marriage a) Matt 19:10 The disciples said to Him, "If the relationship of the man with his wife is like this, it is better not to marry.” Jesus then tells them that celibacy is not a life all can follow. Some have celibacy forced on them; others are celibates voluntarily.
4. The Church should always treat single people with equality and utmost respect a) 1 Tim 5:5 “Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need.” The Lord Jesus Christ, the apostle Paul and John the Baptist were all single.
5. Intentional marriage to a non-Christian is not only a sin but sets the path for conflict between husband and wife The point of 2 Cor 6:14-16 is to highlight that the core motivations and standards of believers and non-believers are directly opposed to each other.
6. The ultimate goal of marriage is to maximize one’s potential for God’s purposes. Boaz married Ruth because she is a “woman of noble character” Ruth 3:11 Marriage should not only draw you and your spouse to each other but also to God.