Child Development I Unit 2 - Analyzing the Roles and Responsibilities of Parenting Instructional Strategy -1 TEACHER NOTES Teacher should read this slide prior to showing the power point presentation that begins on Slide 2 1. Students should have the handout “Life Stages” chart. 2.Teacher will lead class in discussion over the six stages, encouraging students to make their own personal notes in the right column that will help them later in creating their poster for their assignment. (Teacher could plan ahead and have examples ready for discussion) 3.Teacher shows the following power point presentation containing family descriptions of various stages. Students discuss which stage is being described on Slides After power point presentation, teacher assigns “Balancing Parenting Roles and a Career” poster project.
Name of Life Stage: DEVELOPING STAGE 3 The Smith Family Father, mother, daughter (16), son (12) All four of them are busy with their own activities, but text each other regularly The daughter is a high school athlete and at least one of her parents make it a priority to attend her games. Both parents have established careers and work Monday through Friday and have weekends off.
Name of Life Stage: COUPLE STAGE 1 The Michelsons Family Husband and wife Married for two years Ready to purchase their first home Husband has just begun a new job; wife is currently searching for a job;and both have student loans
Name of Life Stage: RETIREMENT STAGE 6 The Washburn Family Widow Lives in a city with one of her adult children Travels through the year to visit her other adult children and their families Lives off her husbands’ pension and life insurance
Name of Life Stage: EXPANDING STAGE 2 The Watson Family Husband, wife, son (3), and currently expecting daughter Chaotic daily schedule Both parents work outside the home Son attends full-time daycare Extended family lives at least 100 miles away
Name that Life Stage: LAUNCHING STAGE 4 The Taylor Family Husband, wife, 5 children ranging in ages from Three children have moved out of the home Parents assist with college cost for the two oldest, but kids are expected to work part-time to pay for living expenses Dad has been with his company for 26 years, and mom stays home but sells Mary Kay cosmetics to supplement income The children at home are both in high school
Name the Life Stage: MIDDLE YEARS STAGE 5 The Bennett Family Husband, wife, one son (32) Both work full-time Husband has a flexible schedule Both have discovered golf as a hobby they enjoy together Financially stable Son is not married with no children and visits on holidays
Child Development I Unit 2 - Analyzing the Roles and Responsibilities of Parenting Now, complete Formative Assessment 1 Balancing Parenting Roles and a Career, Poster Some suggestions that may help students brainstorm. a.Hire a nanny b.Child spends time in daycare c.Hire a house keeper (weekly, bi-weekly) d.Eat out for dinner e.Parent does not work out at a gym anymore (walks with the kids) f.Date night for parents g.Help from extended family h.Meals are prepared all at one time or use crock pot meals (for more time with the family). i.Avoid travel for work as much as possible to be home j.Calendar on the fridge with the kids events/calendar on phone with events k.Division of labor in the house among older kids/spouse to allow time for family events *The poster could be a scene in the family home, a daily schedule of events (example) or a series of pictures that show the specific characteristics of that life stage (as it relates to balancing parental roles) e your poster: