1 Tim. 3:1-7; Tit. 1:5-9 qualifications elders
aspire, desire above reproach husband of one wife temperate prudentrespectable hospitableable to teach not addicted to winenot pugnacious gentlepeaceable free from the love of money manages household well, children under control not a new convert Qualifications from 1 Timothy good reputation with those outside the church
above reproach husband of one wife children who believe not self-willednot quick-tempered not addicted to winenot pugnacious not fond of sordid gainhospitable Qualifications from Titus loving what is goodsensible justdevout self-controlledholding fast the faithful word
Aspire, desire to serve God to best of ability 2 Tim. 3:12 desire to live godly 1 Th. 4:11 ambition to lead quiet life Cor. 8:11 desire to do good deeds Cor. 5:9 ambition to please God 2 Cor. 5:1-2 groan, desire to go to heaven
Aspire, desire to serve God to best of ability Above reproach, blameless 1 Tim. 6:11-14 to be above reproach: flee sin fight the good fight keep the commandments of God 1 Tim. 5:3-8 widows, above reproach