Pardoner vs. Wife of Bath Make a Venn Diagram comparing/contrasting the Pardoner and his tale with the Wife of Bath and her tale. Pardoner Both Wife of Bath
Pardoner vs. Wife of Bath Look at the methods of characterization on p. 103 in the textbook. Make a chart finding examples of these methods for the Wife of Bath and for the Pardoner. Method Pardoner Wife of Bath Directly telling Describing appearance Presenting words/actions Revealing private thoughts/feelings Showing others’ response
Pardoner vs. Wife of Bath Whom do you find more interesting, the Pardoner or the Wife of Bath? Write a one-page response explaining your opinion, using specific details to support and develop your response.
Wife of Bath vs. Modern Woman Read the New York Times article, “The Feminine Critique.” In your group, discuss your response to the article. Make a Venn Diagram comparing a modern day woman to the Wife of Bath. Consider each woman’s opinions, values, experiences, etc. How would today’s woman answer the question, “What do women want?”