By Parker Hopkins and Mitchell Cann
Date and where Morgan freeman was born June 1 st 1937 Memphis Tennessee.
Family Wife 1 Jeanette Bradshaw Wife 2 Myrna colly lee Mom Mayme Edna Father Morgan Porterfield Freeman Has older siblings
Location Charleston Mississippi.
conditions Morgan freeman would spend most of his childhood summers with his parents. Scrounging for bottles and redeeming them for money to go to the movies.
Schooling Morgan Freeman went to the los angles city collage and the pasadenaplay house.
Work Morgan Freeman is an actor, director and narrator.
Accomplishments Morgan free man was awarded the academy award for his performances in Street smart, Driving miss Daisy, Shaw shank redemption and invoices.
Personal refection We think Morgan Freeman is a great guy and he has a very good and funny voice
Brief life story Morgan freeman would spend most of his childhood summers with his parents. Scrounging for bottles and redeeming them for money to go to the movies.
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