BOOKING A PERFUME PARTY Book the party AT LEAST 2 - 3 WEEKS in advance to allow the Hostess to get the information out to her contacts Visit the Hostess’ home as soon as possible so that on the day of the party… You don’t get lost!
HOSTESS COACHING When you visit the Hostess go through the `HOSTESS INFORMATION’ document with her… explaining what it is that she needs to do to have a successful party and what rewards she can expect Also leave her the `PARTY SCRIPTS’, `PARTY INVITATION LIST’ and `INVITATIONS’ for inviting her guests
PREPARATION Visit the room she intends to use so you can decide on the layout for the party Decide where you will stand i.e. not in front of uncovered window if it is going to be bright outside Check for maximum seating; tell Hostess to invite AT LEAST twice as many as she expects to attend
5 DAYS BEFORE PARTY Contact Hostess and check… that everything is still ok for the party how many people have confirmed that they are coming if there are any problems Tell her that you are very excited and are looking forward to the party!
3 DAYS BEFORE PARTY Remind Hostess that tomorrow she should be contacting all of her guests Remind her about the things she must be doing (see `Two days before the party’ on the `HOSTESS INFORMATION AND THANK YOU SHEET’ Tell her to contact you if she has any concerns
1 DAY BEFORE PARTY Check in with Hostess to make sure everything is ok DO NOT cancel party if only 1 or 2 people say they are going to attend Stay positive so that the Hostess stays positive about FM, too!
You cannot be professional unless you prepare professionally 1 DAY BEFORE PARTY Go through your `PRESENTER REMINDER SHEET – PERFUME PARTIES’ and any other notes you have made for this party Remember… You cannot be professional unless you prepare professionally
PARTY PREPARATION Because YOU are in charge (not the Hostess) you will need to arrive early (I suggest 2 hours) to: Arrange the seating Place your display table (if one is not available, use an ironing board with a table cloth and lower it down!) Put up your display material Make packs for each guest of catalogues, pens, order forms, plain paper (for games!) – make a few extra packs for `walk-ins!) Put out prizes, etc
PARTY PREPARATION When the room is set up, chat with the Hostess to make her (and yourself) feel relaxed Greet every guest that arrives in the room that you will be using Give a ticket to all of those who arrive BEFORE the scheduled time – for the `Early Bird’ prize Make sure they start sitting down AT LEAST 5 minutes before you start Start on time… if possible!
START PARTY Hostess welcomes guests and introduces you You thank Hostess, introduce yourself, tell them about FM (30 seconds MAXIMUM) and BRIEFLY tell guests what will be happening (1 – 2 minutes MAXIMUM) Do `Early Bird’ prize draw Play a game
COLOUR MY PERFUME Introduce Colour My Perfume… created especially for FM Group World and is the only company in the world that is allowed to use this system ROOM ALLOCATION: up to 4 people – you do CMP alone 5-8 people – tell Hostess she is going to work! 9-12 people – ask for a volunteer, give gift 13-16 people – ask for 2 volunteers, give gifts 17-20 people – ask for 3 volunteers, give gifts
COLOUR MY PERFUME Show each volunteer who they will be looking after Tell them all they do is copy what you do Supply each volunteer with a complete, REFRESHED Tester Wallet Start Colour My Perfume and allow each volunteer enough time to do their own, too
`SOFT SELL’ PROSPECTING & PARTIES Whilst this is going on, you casually mention that… FM has changed your life, you are earning money and having great fun at the same time – talk about any bonuses you’ve received e.g. cash bonus, car, holiday, etc You are always looking for people who would like to earn some extra money part-time or full-time You are always looking for people who would like you to hold a party for them
SHOW WHAT A HOSTESS CAN EARN Whilst this is going on, you casually mention that… The Hostess this evening will be receiving a great financial reward for holding the party You can give her discounts as per `Hostess Thank You’ sheet, or You can give a percentage of the evenings takings There’s a prize for the first person to book a party
HELP GUESTS MAKE ORDERS When finished go to each guest, look at their sheets, circle all those with scores of `3’ or more and say… “That’s great! You really like [mention all those FM fragrances with `3’ or more]… would you like to buy them?” Do this with every guest including volunteers Then show them the Order Forms Give them time to write out their orders and to chat with each other - go to each one and ask if they need any help
CLOSING Thank everyone for coming Thank the Hostess and volunteers for their help and suggest that they join the business too – they were great! Tell them that based on the orders received, and there are more to come, the Hostess will receive [£? As X% discount to be spent on FM products] [or as in `Hostess Thank You sheet] Tell them that the Hostess is having an FM Makeup (or skincare or coffee, etc) party soon – if they are interested let the Hostess know
CLOSING Any questions come and see me If they would like more information about the FM opportunity or want a party come and see me If possible stay until all of the guests have left so that you can have a friendly chat and a drink with the Hostess – NEVER be the first to leave!