Pertemuan 13 Final Project Presentation Matakuliah : fotografi 2 Tahun: 2010
Bina Nusantara University 3 Ad Campaign The goal of this assignment is to create a sucessful advertising campaign or a social interest event This assignment is structured primarily to demonstrate students technical ablility to manipulate artifical light and to create a sell-able advertising of a product or a social related event This assignment will be judged by lecturers from different academic teaching background (DKV, Typo, Desktop Dll)
Bina Nusantara University 4 Requirements - Ad Campaign Submit the following materials in regard to the assignment Presentation (Soft copy) - A presentation cd using any presentation software (Recommended software PPT, Director, Flash) – make sure the presentation is in an executable format. exe or pps) Hard Copy - 1 final print of the finished ad - 2 applied examples of the ad (Eg. Banners, posters, magazine ads, newspaper ads, packaging dll)
Bina Nusantara University 5 Contents of project presentation - Product Selection - Target market - Concept - Research material - Competitor analysis (visual only) - Brainstorming & Rough Sketch
Contoh Hasil Presentasi Bina Nusantara University 6
C o n c e p t Revealing J’adore elegance and unique side. I wanted to emphasize that J’adore perfume different from other perfume, therefore I arranged Mini perfumes as the background of J’adore. T a r g e t A u d I e n c e Women
L i g h t i n g D i a g r a m
End Result
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