N OVEMBER V OCABULARY By Sanika Gupte Block 2
A DVERSARY Part of Speech- Noun Synonym- Enemy Antonym- Ally Definition- an opponent or enemy Sentence- The two adversaries faced each other in battle, and then charged!
A PLOMB Part of Speech- Noun Synonym- Self-confident Antonym- Insecure Definition-Self-confident in a difficult situation Sentence- She was so aplomb at science when her beaker exploded, so she didn’t run out the door!
A PPREHENSIVE P.O.S- Adjective Synonym- Anxious Antonym- confident Definition- anxious or fearful; uneasy Sentence- Before a test you tend to feel apprehensive and get really scared if you didn’t study.
F RAGRANCE P.O.S- Noun Synonym- Perfume Definition- a sweet or pleasant odor Sentence- When the waiter arrived at the at the table with our desserts a lovely fragrance wafted around the room.
F URTIVE P.O.S- Adjective Synonym- Sneaky Antonym- Open Definition- Sneaky; acting in a way so as not to be noticed. Sentence- The spy gave a furtive look at building before going into it.
G RUELING P.O.S- Adjective Synonym- Exhausting Antonym- Easy Definition-Physically or mentally exhausting; very hard to do. Sentence- Being an athlete requires loads of grueling work, you may have to get up at 4 o’clock in the morning!
P OTENTIAL P.O.S- noun Synonym- ability Definition- ability to grow; improve or develop; possibility Sentence- My true potential was realized when I started swimming, I was really good.
P RECIPICE P.O.S- Noun Synonym- Sheer Drop Antonym- Plateau Definition- Very steep overhanging rock; edge of a cliff Sentence- You would not want to fall off a precipice, you could get seriously hurt!
P RISTINE P.O.S- Adjective Synonym- pure Antonym- soiled Definition- In a pure and unspoiled state; untouched Sentence- The food we bought from the grocery store was pristine and fresh.
A PPARITION P.O.S- Noun Synonym- Spirit Definition- An unusual or unexpected sight Sentence- Sprinting out of the graveyard, I was chalk-white, and I told my best friend that I had seen an apparition.
C RYPTIC P.O.S- adjective Synonym- mysterious Antonym- straightforward Definition- Secret; mysterious Sentence- When my sister and I were pretending to be spies, we left cryptic messages for the other to decode.
L UGUBRIOUS P.O.S- Adjective Synonym- Somber Antonym- Cheerful Definition- Exaggeratedly mournful Sentence- I was lugubrious when I lost my dog, and I cried in my room for a week.
M AELSTROM P.O.S- Noun Synonym- Whirlpool Antonym- Tranquil Waters Definition- a powerful whirlpool; turmoil Sentence- I was spinning around and around in my boat trying to get myself out of the maelstrom.
M AUSOLEUM P.O.S- Noun Synonym- Tomb Definition- A large elaborate tomb Sentence- When I visited the Taj Mahal I saw a beautiful mausoleum, where a Mughal emperor honors his third wife’s memory.