CREATEyour Avatar Go to Your Avatar should have a resemblance to you and be created so that it would appropriately represent how you would dress when going to interview for a job. Download your Avatar and save it to your U: Drive
Grooming by Industry Go to – interview/interview-appearance/dressing-for- interview-by-industry/article.aspx interview/interview-appearance/dressing-for- interview-by-industry/article.aspx Create a slide that represents the appropriate attire for each of the industries explained. (there are 8 industries) Have both a male and female example.
Technology Industry
Go to Create a slide that represents inappropriate dress when looking for an employment. Add pictures and a statement to how each picture is an inappropriate example of dress. Caution: Keep your pictures appropriate for school!
How NOT to Dress Too provocative Cover your tattoos Easy on the perfume or cologne Iron! Be professional with your makeup Be conservative with your jewelry
Create 1-5 slides answering these questions:
1.Why is it important to conform and dress conservatively for a job interview? 2.Most employers form a 1 st impression during the first __ ______________ of a meeting. 3.What is the basic rule when dressing for an interview? 4.If you are thinking of getting a piercing, gauge, tattoo, or another body altering change, what should you consider? 5.Recognizing the importance of keeping your individuality, how can you still maintain this aspect of yourself while still conforming to a dress code of a job?
Create Your Power Point! Your Power Point will have about 11 slides – Your introductory slide with your avatar – 8 slides for appropriate dress for each industry – 1 slide on how NOT to dress – 1+ slide(s) answering the questions – 1 slide with your name